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File Name:Braun Paxette Electromatic Manual.pdf


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If you use Pay Pal, use the link below. Use the above address for a Before inserting a film go over the Good snapshots can only be achieved if Key to numbers on opposite page. Film rewinding knob 12. Optical eye level view finder 13. Depth of field ring 14. Focusing ring Braun K. G. of Nuremberg under the most modern conditions. Actual use of the camera very It will be found delightful to handle, Once the mechanical details are mastered every Once the perforations If there is no shade, the operator's own shadow in better than direct sunlight. The film winding knob is then turned until Towards the end of the film a somewhat stronger If the film transport is It will then stand proud and there When continuing to rewind, press Bring the red dot The Optical The highest figure which is discernible after looking No exposure time for aperture 2.8 is given The depth of When the shutter is released, the left The camera and the hand should be pressed against the head and a broad Another point to observe is that the Move the finger only and not the whole hand. A faulty camera. But other automatic functions were missing. Film speed had to be selected manually to obtain proper exposure by the aperture system.Markings on the lens show that it can focus down to 1m (3.3 feet), although with only a simple viewfinder the photographer must use a guess focusing technique. At around 2m there is a symbol of a person to indicate portraiture, and at around 4m there is a symbol of a building. Learn more - opens in a new window or tab This amount is subject to change until you make payment. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab This amount is subject to change until you make payment. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable.

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For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn more The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a floor model or an item that has been returned to the seller after a period of use. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. Contact the seller - opens in a new window or tab and request post to your location. Please enter a valid postcode. Please enter a number less than or equal to 1. All Rights Reserved. User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by Verisign. You can then request identifications or estimates.You can add your own dates. Visit and complete the calendar. The launch of this mode is attributed to Disderi. Here, everyone of you can add his own.In my own way, with your help, I would like to commemorate the soldiers and civilians of all nationalities who were the victims of the unbounded egos of the leaders of the time who threw the world into a conflict that lasted more than four years. Visit it Here, we offer you hundreds of them. You can also submit your own.We will prove it with this gallery of photos taken with the cameras on the site. Visit the gallery Learn more Which film is to be used. The question arises very quickly when we have in hands an ancestor. Learn more How to do it. Repairers, tools, tips Learn more Evolution of the French currency List of places From the collection of - Version francaise Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales) Sold listing on Ebay.com Inventory number: 6568 See the complete technical specifications We only have a French version.

Would you be able to help us translate it in english please.La collection d'appareils photo anciens et de photographies anciennes by Sylvain. Problem is I can't get it to rewind. In looking at the manual I'm supposed to push the film release button then crank the rapid rewind. Only prblem is the film release buttong doesn't push, it's flush agains the camera. I REALLY need to invest in a changing bag as this has happened before, sigh. Learn more How to do it. Repairers, tools, tips Learn more Evolution of the French currency List of places From the collection of - Version francaise Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales) Sold listing on Ebay.com Inventory number: 3340 See the complete technical specifications We only have a French version. Would you be able to help us translate it in english please? La collection d'appareils photo anciens et de photographies anciennes by Sylvain. Saying no will not stop you from seeing Etsy ads, but it may make them less relevant or more repetitive.Please update to the latest version. Both registration and sign in support using google and facebook accounts. Escape will close this window.Etsy may send you communications; you may change your preferences in your account settings.Learn more Support independent sellers. Tested with filmPlease Log in to subscribe.Register to confirm your address.Well you're in luck, because here they come. You guessed it: black. In 1948, the company began producing box film cameras, in rollfilm and 35mm format. Its best known cameras are the Paxette series of 35mm rangefinder cameras. The most advanced of Braun's rangefinders and SLRs had interchangeable lenses and built-in light meters.The company began to focus on its established line of slide and optical projectors, selling more than four million units by 1997. In 2000 the company became insolvent. It is a viewfinder 35mm camera made around about 1959 in Germany.

The focus is fixed and the exposure is controlled by the camera’s exposure system so the only actual setting is the film speed which needs to be set after a film has been loaded into the camera. Camera opened to load film To load a film, the bottom half of the camera is removed by unscrewing a large knurled nut on the bottom and pulling the camera apart. Once the bottom is off, there is a plate which is lifted up and a support arm for the film cartridge which swings out allowing the film to be threaded in. The plate is then closed and acts as a pressure plate to make sure the film is kept flat. Once the bottom is replaced and screwed in place, the film speed ASA is set on a small dial on the bottom of the lens mount and the film counter is set to the number of exposures the film has. The film counter then counts down as pictures are taken, in much the same way as the Voigtlander vito B I have does. In order to take a picture the photographer only has to check that a small indicator in the top of the viewfinder is showing green and then compose and press the shutter release. If there is not enough light for the picture, the camera can use the flash gun which is supplied with it by fitting the flash and setting the film speed lever to the flash symbol. Braun Paxette Electromatic In construction the camera is a neat and well constructed unit which feels quite solid and heavy. The film advance lever is different from most other cameras in my collection in that it takes two throws to cock the shutter, and when it does the shutter release jumps up out of the camera body ready to be pressed. My example is in pretty reasonable mechanical condition apart from a small amount of corrosion on the bottom knurled nut which opens the bottom film chamber.

When I first received it the shutter was completely lifeless, but a few activations has got it opening on one press of the shutter release and closing on the next so I’m hopeful that a few more activations will get it back to working order. Braun Paxette Electromatic Spec. Related Nature Nex 6 Macro photographs Family The best of my Beamish photographs Photography Vintage camera manuals index Blogging Limited time to do anything at the moment Post navigation New sensors for my Ricoh GXR camera Topcon Unirex EE 35mm slr camera 7 Replies to “Simple Braun Paxette Electromatic viewfinder camera” Victor Bezrukov, photographer says: 5th May 2015 at 10:03 pm Interesting to see also the results taken with this camera. Join 1,164 other subscribers. Okay, thank you. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. This evening, a friend stopped by with a Braun Paxette Panto in a nice leather case. This is a compact 35mm viewfinder camera. I'd guess it was made between 1960 and 1963. The entire back slides off, and there is a hinged pressure plate that drops down, much like on a Rollei 35. Like other Brauns, such as old Paxettes, there is a rewind lever that is like a mirror image of the advance lever. There is a hot shoe. The lever slides further, but there are no other marks around the lens housing. Maybe something is missing. I'm tempted to put in a roll of 100asa and pretend its a disposable. I found a manual here: But, while the shutter does work, no green light shows up in the VF, and I'll assume that I'm working with a fixed shutter speed and aperture. Does anyone know what the default shutter speed is supposed to be.Probably not.There is no adjustment for f stop, focus, or shutter speed. Maybe France or Canada were the last countries to repeal those laws.I'd like to see a sample of a photo taken with one of these cameras. Box is in poor condition. Super high amount of views. 0 sold, 1 available.

More Super high amount of views. 0 sold, 1 available. You are the light of the world. Fur Selbstabholer mit Musterteilen ein Paradies zum stobern. Es gibt keine Auflistungen von den Teilen oder vom ganzen Lager. Ersatzteile mussen vor Ort rausgesucht werden, da wir viele Teile nicht identifizieren konnen, deshalb leider kein Versand von gebrauchten Teilen. Alle bei eBay angebotenen Artikel konnen selbstverstandlich vor Gebot oder Kauf bei uns im Laden begutachtet werden. Tolle Angebote auch in unseren drei anderen eBay-Shops:wk-verlag KlausVollmar Achtung, die Chance zum selbststandig machen fur zukunftige eBayer: Komplett- oder Teilubernahme einzelner Sparten moglich. Eine seltene Gelegenheit fur Enthusiasten im Oldtimer- bzw. Internethandel tatig zu werden. Teilubernahmen ab ca. 10.000 Euro moglich fur ein lukratives Geschaft, dass Spa? macht. Anfragen taglich 12-22 Uhr unter. Da wir leider nicht jeden Tag eMails beantworten konnen (Personalmangel!) - und Sie fragen zu diesem oder einem anderen Artikel haben, rufen Sie uns in der Zeit von 12-22 Uhr (siehe Impressum) an. Achtung!!!: Telefonisch konnen wir Ihre Anfrage wesentlich schneller beantworten..als per Email. Leichte Randbeschadigungen, minimale Einrisse. Super high amount of views. 0 sold, 1 available. More Super high amount of views. 0 sold, 1 available. You are the light of the world. This is a great place for questions and answers that are not addressed in a specific category. Take note there is also a General Photography forum. I am wondering if anyone on this forum would know anything about this camera, what vintage it would be, it's approximate value, and if a manual is available anywhere. Thanks; Kevin I hope this makes sense to you. I did find a manual online somewhere, I'll have to look to find it, but when I do, I will post it for you. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what a great lens this camera has, maybe the best in my entire collection.

Kevin You may link to content on this site but you may not reproduce any of it in whole or part without written consent from its owner. Something went wrong. View cart for details. Sell on eBay Sell 35mm Cameras User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by Verisign. Braun Paxina I, Braun Paxina II on www.collection-appareils.fr by. Paxina 29: c1953-1957: Paxina Electromatic. Camera Manual Link CB Member Comments Available Camera Featured in CB Member. In-ear thermometer. 6022 Thermometer pdf manual download. Also for: Thermoscan irt 4520, Thermoscan irt 4020. Forehead thermometer. FHT 1000 Thermometer pdf manual download. Braun Paxette Camera Manuals: Photo-Manuals.com; Paxette,. Shop by departments, or search for specific item(s). Read important information on how to maintain good oral hygiene and a healthy smile. Camera Manual Link CB Member Comments Available Citations may include links to full. Learn about our industry-leading Test and Measurement tools. Can anyone help me with deciding which of my velvias to use with it? 50 or 100? thx 09-26-2012, 12:57 PMIt appears that you have no manual control over the exposure beyond fiddling with the ISO setting. I'm only going from what I can find on the web so may be wrong here. Various things occur to me. 1. The 50 year old selenium meter may no longer be accurate. 2. Slide film generally, and Velvia especially, is very fussy about getting the exposure correct. Personally, I love shooting old cameras like these but I would use a film with a wide exposure latitude, and probably not one which is known for great colour saturation using a fifty year old lens. Given how expensive slide film like Velvia 50 is, I'd keep that back for a camera with a reliable shutter and manual exposure control. In something like this I'd be tempted to a BW film like Kodak BW400CN but the top ISO of 64 makes using that 400 ISO film a little difficult.

Perhaps one of the slower BW films like Rollei Retro would work better. Not sure this helps very much. Best wishes, Kris.Try ASA 100 color print film first. See if everything works.Have you considered joining the community. Something went wrong.Learn more - opens in a new window or tab This amount is subject to change until you make payment. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab This amount is subject to change until you make payment. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully This item may be a floor model or store return that has been used. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. Contact the seller - opens in a new window or tab and request postage to your location. Please enter a valid postcode. Please enter a number less than or equal to 1. If you don't follow our item condition policy for returns, you may not receive a full refund. Refunds by law: In Australia, consumers have a legal right to obtain a refund from a business if the goods purchased are faulty, not fit for purpose or don't match the seller's description. More information at returns. All Rights Reserved. Instruction books (manuals) and literature are all originals and in good condition. Updated: 8th August 2020 Paul-Henry van Hasbroeck. 1978. 59 pages, 210x300mm Carl Shipman. 1980. 208 pages, 215x270mm Second edition August 1999.

168 pages, 195x255mm, hardback Sales leaflet Sales catalogue Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales catalogue Sales catalogue Sales leaflet Sales catalogue Sales catalogue Sales catalogue Sales catalogue Sales catalogue Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales catalogue Sales catalogue Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales catalogue Sales leaflet Sales leaflet Sales catalogue Date coded 1955. Sales leaflet Sales catalogue Sales leaflet. To order e-mail HON. I will accept your orders by e-mail or snail mail at the following addresses: Hon. If you wish to pay with a credit card I WILL SEND YOU A PAYPAL INVOICE BY E-MAIL. You click on the link supplied and you can enter your credit card information. I will also accept check or money order, or PayPal. The telephone is now working so if you call, please give me the items you wish to purchase and your address so that I can determine the shipping costs. These cameras were of high quality, with excellent optics. Camera in excellent conditionLens clean and clear, no fungus or scratchesCamera required a double wind strokes to advance one frameCamera not tested with filmSerial number: 432239Item number:3-30This is a compact 35mm viewfinder camera.The entire back slides off, and there is a hinged pressure plate that drops down, much like on a Rollei 35. We do not have the time or expertise to test every item with film. Unless noted otherwise, all seem to be very clean and in working order. Because of the size of the collection we have set the prices low, to give them new homes and keep them out of landfill. Many of these items have been unused for years and might require a CLA to ensure accuracy. There may be dust particles in some lenses due to age. Those cameras from the 60s and 70s which used foam light seals may need these seals replaced.

Ask any questions regarding a particular piece and we will try to answer to the best of our knowledge. Good luck in your bidding. Aperture works. In great shape and works like a charm. Made in west Germany during the war. Great old camera that is antique and vintage which is super cool. No fogging, fungus, or other issues. Focus turns smoothly. Aperture works at all settings. Viewfinder is cloudy and I can't see a rangefinder patch. See photos for condition. Sold as-is and as-described. Some natural signs of experience and use typical of a vintage item like this. No major concerns though.Please refer to the photos as the best indicator of the overall condition of this item. If you have any questions, please ask. It would be my pleasure to provide more information or pictures. If there is ever an issue with your purchase, please don't hesitate to contact me. Your complete satisfaction is my highest priority. If you’re not happy, I’m not happy. Thank you for viewing my listing. Keep safe and be kind to one another. I describe items as accurately as possible and strive for positive feedback. Please read the entire description before bidding. If there is a problem, contact me within 14 days so we can work together to resolve it. If a refund is given it will be for the cost of the item only and return shipping is paid by buyer. I only ship to eBay registered addresses. Any questions please message me. Happy to reply. Please check out our other items. We are happy to combine to save you money on shipping. Over 8,000 positive feed-backs. Box is in poor condition. Rangefinder does not appear to be working or else the viewfinder is too cloudy to see it move. Comes with leather case. Sold as-is for display or repair. Aperture works. Dial on rewind knob is missing. Sold AS-IS as described. See pics for details. Once added, your paxette lens becomes LTM lens. This is smaller version compare to the other one we have. Both were listed in the last photo for comparison.

Due to small quantity custom makes, there could be some cosmetic issues but that will not affect functionality.Please visit the site for several unique other adapters.(Camera, Lens and other accessories are for illustration only, sale is only for the adapter) CA and TX residents pay sales tax. (Camera, Lens and other accessories are for illustration only, sale is only for the adapter) Shipping Please check below. Payment Payment must be made within 7 days upon auction end. Paypal is the only payment option. 8.25 tax to the CA and TX residents Other Information Feedback If you think item is not as described or any other issues, please do contact us before leaving feedback, will respond in 24hrs and set right of any errors. Returns Accepted. You can return the item with in 2 weeks. If there is a product error, shipment charges and return shipment including any custom duties will be refunded to the buyer. Additional Terms and Conditions and Liabilites LIMITED PRODUCT LIABILITY YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE RECOURSE IN THE EVENT OF ANY DISSATISFACTION WITH OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT AND RAREADAPTERS’ MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO REPAIR, REFUND OF THE PRODUCT COST INCLUDING SHIPPING CHARGES OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT.Viewfinder has some fog,?lens and optics is very clean Case has some signs of age, see last photo, hinge is dry and coming apart Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. No dings or dents on the body. Viewfinder is clear with a fully working rangefinder. Focus is smooth, iris fully working. Focus alignment checked. Please ask if shipping to your country is possible. Shipping from Germany as registered airmail with Deutsche Post. Shipping times: USA - about 10 to 16 Days - Delivery and Online Tracking via USPS. EUROPE - about 5 to 10 Business Days to most European Countries. ASIA - about 12 to 20 Days to most Asian Countries. Sometimes a bit longer depending on your Location and Customs procedures.

RUSSIA - often round about 14 days - but sometimes a bit slower. These are rough numbers from my experience. Please note that some countries do not offer full online tracking for registered airmail. The camera shows moderate wear on the cover. Cover is complete and nothing missing. The range finder cover plate shows scuff marks and discoloring, no dings, no dents. Some wear on the bottom of the camera. Finder is clean and bright. Winds flawless and smooth. Focus ring turns smoothly. Aperture blades show some wear and are clean and open and close smoothly. All settings move freely and smooth. Rangefinder is horizontally and vertically aligned. The lens is in good condition. The elements are in good condition. No scratches, no separation, no haze, no cleaning marks, no fungus on or in between the elements. Shows some small spots on the rear element. Lovely camera in good and good working condition. Comes with original ready case. Click ? OTHER ITEMS ? for my other (collectible) items Be sure to add me to your. FAVORITS LIST ? and get a weekly up-date of my listings. PAYMENTS!Paypal payments!Buyer must contact me within 72 hours to arrange payment. WORLD WIDE SHIPPING!Your items will always be packed professionally and I take the utmost care while doing so. Shipping will be done by PostNL Dutch postal services, with FULL insurance and tracking to all countries in the world, it will be delivered by local delivery services. Like EMS, USPS, Japanpost, Hongkongpost, Canadapost, Poste.CH, NZpost, Koreapost, Speedpost.SG, and many well known other companies. Shows some signs of prior use. Shows no dents, some dings, minor scratches, minor scuff marks, really not that much. Shows discoloring of the aluminum on the knobs and some minor blistering to the chrome. Some finger prints and handling wear. Camera is light leak free. Bright view finder. Shutter works on all settings. Uncoupled range finder works and is accurately aligned. The lens elements are in good condition.

Focus ring turns smooth. No scratches, no separation, shows haze, no cleaning marks, no fungus, no dust on or in between the elements. Aperture ring turns smooth and blades show some wear and some oil on them. Nice conditioned camera ready to use. PAYMENTS!Paypal payments!Buyer must contact me within 72 hours to arrange payment!WORLD WIDE SHIPPING!Your items will always be packed professionally and I take the utmost care while doing so. It seems to be shifted vertically, please consider it as a current product. Operation: The shutter is turned off at each shutter dial speed, but the speed is low. Both lens helicoids are smooth. The aperture blade is also working. Appearance: There are small scratches, but it is unusual and beautiful without damage. If you can confirm it in the picture, you can check the state without damage. Steinheil Mnchen E Cassarit 50mm F2.8 (L mount) The appearance is beautiful. Lens: Inside, in fine dust, good condition. ENNA Mnchen Tele-Ennalyt 135mm F3.5 (L mount) The appearance is beautiful. Lens: There is a mold mark on the back ball. Please bid it without worrying. Shipping is only available to the address registered in Paypal. Please note that any address not registered in Paypal is not acceptable to ship. Shipping is available from Monday to Friday. I have an unconditional return policy if notified within 30 of the receipt of the item. All returned items must be the original condition. All return requests must be made within 30 days of the receipt of the item. Please contact me first for return before you ship it back to me. Provided by HARU eBay listing tool. Currently, due to the effects of corona, it takes a very long time for merchandise to arrive by EMS or e-packet shipping for Japan Post. We also ship alternatives via DHL, etc., but shipping charges may increase more than indicated. Please contact us before bidding for shipping charges. Brand: BRAUN PRODUCED: 1953 - 1958 WANT IT NOW.

It is best known for its 35mm film cameras named Paxette. Paxette was a line of 35mm film viewfinder and rangefinder cameras made by the Braun company in Nuremberg, Germany between 1951-61. Some of the models in this line had interchangeable lenses, something that was notable since these cameras all used Prontor leaf shutters, rather than the focal plane shutters typically used on such cameras (like the Leica). The interchangeable-lens models, which offered several different lines of lenses made by different noted lens manufacturers, included sizes from 35mm (moderate wide angle) to 135mm (telephoto). This is a model IIM because it has an interchangeable lens in an M39 mount, compared to the model I variants, which have fixed lenses, and this camera has an uncoupled rangefinder. An identical camera except with an extinction meter instead of the uncoupled rangefinder would be a Paxette II. The Paxette II series was launched in 1953 and went through several variations until 1958. If you would like to see a free instruction manual for this camera, Checkout: This auction is for a vintage 1950's Braun Paxette IIM Camera. It includes the Camera, Original Leather Case, neck strap, lens cap, as pictured. Condition: Very Good!! The camera appears to be in DARN GOOD condition for its age. It was part of an inventory removed from a home of a CAMERA COLLECTOR after he died and the the owners sold the home. It is nearly 60 years old. GREAT FOR TAKING FAMILY PICTURES. Now. If YOU have any other information or data on this piece and would like to share it, I'd be more than willing to pass it on to any possible NEW OWNER. Please feel free to contact me. That's about all I can tell you about this UNIQUE PHOTOGRAPHIC collectible. If you collect VINTAGE PHOTO GEAR, or just want a good Braun Paxette IIM AT A VERY REASONABLE PRICE for YOURSELF. You could add this unique piece to your collection. SO, BEAT HIM TO IT AND IT'S YOURS!!! All you have to do is.BID!!

I TRY MY VERY BEST TO PACK YOUR ITEM FOR A SAFE TRANSPORT.FEEDBACK POLICY WE ARE STRIVING FOR 5'S!! We are committed to providing you a 5-star experience when you deal with us. If we miss the mark, please let us know before you leave any feedback. Please Note: Under the new Ebay seller standards policies, leaving less than 5 stars on the detailed seller rating now has an overall negative impact on the seller's account. Ebay does have ways of affecting a seller's account because of the ratings. Even Neutral feedback has a negative effect on a seller's ratings. I will promptly submit my feedback as soon as yours has been posted. I will accept refunds with a valid reason. (This doesn't include change of mind!) Item must be returned in original condition (within 7 days of receipt), un-damaged. Buyer to pay return postage. (Recorded Advisable) Refund will not include postage paid to deliver the item. Refund will be made once item is received back. Mechanical device disclaimer: Every mechanical device has a certain life span. The day it leaves the factory, it becomes one day closer to it's end date. When I find these devices, I plug them in, wind them up or put in a battery. If they buzz, whirr or seem like they're doing what they are supposed to be doing, I keep them for auction. At that point in time, I have NO IDEA of how old or how much use they have incurred. They may last a lifetime, or fail the next time they are turned on. Note: On some items, UPC symbols may have been removed for rebate purposes. FEEDBACK POLICY I try to be as accurate and complete as I can in my item descriptions. If an item you purchased is not as described, please contact me before leaving any feedback so I can work any problem out with you first. I value my feedback record as much as YOU do. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. This auction ends SUNDAY, XXX XX, 11PM EASTERN, 10PM CENTRAL, 9PM MOUNTAIN 8PM PACIFIC. Includes everything shown in photos.