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The standards can be used to assess most types of new buildings, including new homes and new-build extensions to existing buildings. Each uses a common framework that is adaptable, depending upon the building’s type and location. For new-build developments that do not fall within the scope of one of our existing New Construction technical standards, we recommend you take a look at our Bespoke Process. It requires evidence to support the design and construction decisions, agreed during the development of the project, and ensures they have been fully implemented. The BRE Global version of BREEAM International New Construction is adaptable for all countries except those where there is a locally operated scheme by one of our partner scheme operators. Please view the Technical Standards Tool to find out which new construction standard is applicable to your project’s building type and location. See below for case studies of developments that have been assessed and certified using the standards or to search all certified assessments under this scheme visit here The handful of schemes meeting the high standards of the building regulations set the bar for future developments in London and across the country” We set out to exceed the 85 pass mark for “Outstanding” so to achieve a score of over 90 is simply brilliant. The LPC is an inspiring building; it’s great place to work and to visit” Our new home will create a benchmark for every other UK business and showcase what can be achieved through a socially responsible approach to design and construction” Or if your want to start an assessment of your project, visit our listings page and find a licensed BREEAM New Construction or HQM Assessor in your location. To verify the most appropriate standard and register your project for assessment, please contact a Licensed Assessor. This involves tailoring criteria in the existing standards to the developments specific use, sustainability opportunities and its location.

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This tailoring takes place prior to the development being fully designed and constructed to maximise the benefit of its application. The completed document can then be used by the Assessor along with all relevant project documentation to assess for compliance with the BREEAM, CEEQUAL or HQM ecology assessment criteria. The methodology is based on compliance modelling and uses a triple metric approach that addresses energy demand, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The aim of using this approach is to enhance the ability of BREEAM to recognise and promote designs that minimise energy demand and consumption in buildings and then to reduce the carbon emissions resulting from that energy use. Guidance Note 39 sets out the new approach. It outlines at which plan of works stage credits should be addressed and ideally when these should be considered by the design team, planner, contractors, owners, occupiers and other members of the project team to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating at the minimum cost. It demonstrates that where BREEAM advice is taken on too late within the design and construction phases a number of BREEAM credits may not be achieved or only at additional cost or disruption. It forms a part of that scheme’s technical manual, which means the methodology and process described are an integral part of the scheme assessment criteria. One aim of BREEAM is to encourage all those involved in the building design, construction, commissioning, facilities management and operation to take practical steps to close this performance gap. To this end, Guidance Note 32 describes the energy performance prediction and subsequent post-occupancy monitoring methodology for the BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 scheme.

It outlines at which RIBA stage credits should be addressed and ideally considered by the design team, planner, contractors, owners, occupiers and other members of the project team to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating at the minimum cost. It demonstrates that where BREEAM advice is taken on too late within the design and construction phases a number of BREEAM credits may not be achieved. Thus some actions will have to be completed at a later RIBA stage than indicated in this document. However, early decisions can create opportunities and minimise barriers that impact on the ability of project teams to meet BREEAM criteria at a later stage in the project. It outlines at which stage of work credits should be addressed and ideally when these should be considered by the design team, planner, contractors, owners, occupiers and other members of the project team to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating at the minimum cost. It demonstrates that where BREEAM advice is taken on too late within the design and construction phases a number of BREEAM credits may not be achieved. It outlines at which RIBA stage assessment issues should be considered and addressed by the project team, client and other stakeholders to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating for the best value. It demonstrates that where BREEAM and BREEAM-related advice is considered or acted on too late within the design and construction phase, the opportunity to achieve a more sustainable development is reduced and a number of assessment credits may not be achieved. This template can be used by the BREEAM Assessor and the appropriate consultant as supporting evidence for their assessment of the building and award of BREEAM credits. It outlines at which RIBA stage assessment issues should be considered and addressed by the project team, client and other stakeholders to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating for the best value.

It demonstrates that where BREEAM and BREEAM-related advice is considered or acted on too late within the design and construction phase, the opportunity to achieve a more sustainable development is reduced and a number of assessment credits may not be achieved. It provides guidance on the areas where assessment under one method can result in efficiencies in assessment under another. It outlines how certified BREEAM USA In-Use credits may be used to demonstrate compliance with Fitwel and identifies areas where design teams can demonstrate compliance using the same evidence for both programs. This guidance note is to be used for registered BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 and International New Construction 2016 assessments, where an ecologist has been appointed by the client and they have produced an ecology report for the proposed development. It provides guidance on the areas where assessment under one method can result in efficiencies in assessment under the other. It outlines how credits awarded in a certified BREEAM assessment may be used to demonstrate compliance with WELL features post occupation and identifies areas where project teams can demonstrate compliance using the same evidence for both schemes. Through BREEAM, BRE has encouraged a more whole building level consideration of materials through the use of robust and science-based approaches and BRE’s Green Guide ratings and Environmental Profiles Certification scheme have been at the forefront of the environmental assessment of the built environment using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). However, the current focus on whole building LCAs reflects a strategic shift in the approach taken in sustainability assessment of the built environment within the BREEAM family, and the implications of this shift on the future of Green Guide ratings and Environmental Profiles Certification are described in this document.

This involved the development of a new, independently peer reviewed, weightings methodology that has subsequently been implemented to derive new consensus-based category weightings for use in recently updated BREEAM schemes operated by BRE Global. It provides a means of regularly reviewing weightings in a way that ensures a high level of transparency A recent analysis of assessment data showed that BREEAM assessed buildings achieve an average 22 reduction in CO2 emissions, and over the next five years, BRE has committed to work with industry to deliver over 9,000 certified buildings with emissions savings in excess of 900,000 tonnes of CO2. Since the first scheme was launched to address the design and construction of offices in 1990, improving indoor environmental quality and occupant health has been one of the main objectives of BREEAM. One of the greatest drivers we’re now seeing in the UK is the introduction of regulatory Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards. We also touch on some of the wider sustainability considerations lenders may wish to take into account and the value creation opportunities they offer. This means BREEAM-rated developments are more sustainable environments that enhance the well-being of the people who live and work in them. They also make for more attractive property investments. The exams are open-book, allowing you to refer to any notes or documentation that may assist you. You will need to pass both examinations to become qualified as a scheme assessor and to apply for a BREEAM licence. Your computer will need a webcam in order for you to sit an online examination. Before starting the examinations you will be required to prove your identity by showing either your passport, driving licence or EU ID card. You will then be required to apply to BRE Global Ltd to become a Licenced BREEAM Assessor under the International Scheme in order to practice. You must make this application within 12 months of qualifying.

Further information on the route to becoming a licenced BREEAM Assessor can be found at breeam.com. To do this, personal data that you provide to us will be passed to ProctorU for these purposes. For more information on ProctorU’s privacy policy and their “Privacy Shield” credentials, please go to to. We’re always innovating. Our in-house experts work with governments, academia and the world’s largest consultancies to create a more sustainable built environment and realise our vision of building a better world together. Our dedicated Academy facility is at the heart of the BRE campus and has welcomed thousands of learners. Train with the experts.View course Select options Courses on Campus X Certified European Passive House Designer (classroom) This qualification is recognised as the industry standard for those intending to work professionally as a Passive House Designer in the UK and Abroad. View course Select options X BREEAM New Construction 2018: Energy To help close the energy performance gap, BREEAM NC 2018 proposes to award extra credits for more detailed energy prediction and verification of actual performance. This webinar will describe how the method encourages all those involved in the project to take steps to improve this. View course Add to basket Buy this course and BIM 19650 Delivering information management together and save.Buy this course and BIM Level 2 Delivering information management together and save.If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ok No Privacy policy. These include the Welsh Assembly Government, the Northern Ireland Executive, UK health authorities and the Department for Education. Many private sector clients and developers also use BREEAM to deliver sustainable buildings.It has been developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) has become the de facto measure of the environmental performance of UK buildings. A separate, similar scheme is available for refurbishing existing buildings.

In addition to BREEAM UK New Construction, separate Technical Manuals are available for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. These regional variants reflect the differences in building regulations in each country.This is achieved through integration and use of the scheme by clients and their project teams at key stages in the design and procurement process. This enables the client, through the BREEAM Assessor and the BRE Global certification process, to measure, evaluate and reflect the performance of their building against best practice in an independent and robust manner. Many credits are assessed using bespoke assessment tools and calculators developed by the BRE.In addition, there are innovation credits which encourage exemplar performance or which recognise a building that innovates in the field of sustainable performance. The BREEAM 2018 New construction credits are summarised in the table.These include the Welsh Assembly Government, the Northern Ireland Executive, UK health authorities and the Department for Education. Many private sector clients and developers also use BREEAM to deliver sustainable buildings.A final PCS assessment is completed and certified after practical completion of the building works.A BREEAM certificate therefore provides assurance to any interested party that a building’s BREEAM rating, at the time of certification, accurately reflects its performance against the BREEAM standard.Different weightings are applied depending on the scope of the assessment, i.e. shell only, shell and core only and fully fitted out. The weightings for a 'Fully fitted out' building are shown in the table. The aim of innovation credits is to support and encourage innovation in construction. An additional 1 can be added to the overall building score for each innovation credit; up to maximum of 10 credits, i.e. 10.Only some assessment issues have exemplary performance criteria.

Over the last 12 months my team have been working hard to deliver a DRAFT manual which we hope represents another step change in BREEAM, to continue to reflect best practice and drive the Industry to innovate. The response we had from the Industry was amazing, we were so pleased to receive almost 300 responses to our online survey, and have oversubscribed workshops. A huge thank you to everyone that participated. It’s been a long journey for me and my team, but we’re really proud of what we’ve produced (although please forgive us a few typos in the DRAFT document!). Details on how to register will follow soon. Join peers to innovate solutions and be part of the journey to make a difference. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. ( March 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) BREEAM also has a tool which focuses on neighbourhood development. Its categories evaluate energy and water use, health and wellbeing, pollution, transport, materials, waste, ecology and management processes. Buildings are rated and certified on a scale of 'Pass', 'Good', 'Very Good', 'Excellent' and 'Outstanding'.It helps them to successfully adopt sustainable solutions in a cost-effective manner, and provides market recognition of their achievements.The first version for assessing new office buildings was launched in 1990. This was followed by versions for other buildings including superstores, industrial units and existing offices.The development of BREEAM then accelerated with annual updates and variations for other building types such as retail premises being introduced.

In 2014, the Government in England signalled the winding down the Code for Sustainable homes, since then BRE has developed the Home Quality Mark which is part of the BREEAM family of schemes. International versions of BREEAM were also launched that year.This revision included the reclassification and consolidation of issues and criteria to further streamline the BREEAM process. The latest update of BREEAM UK New Construction was launched in March 2018 at Ecobuild.Its regular revisions and updates are driven by the ongoing need to improve sustainability, respond to feedback from industry and support the UK's sustainability strategies and commitments.Developers and their project teams use the scheme at key stages in the design and procurement process to measure, evaluate, improve and reflect the performance of their buildings.This scheme makes use of assessment criteria that take account of the circumstances, priorities, codes and standards of the country or region in which the development is located.A scheme for non-housing refurbishment projects is being developed and is targeted for launch in early 2014. The launch date will be announced once the piloting and independent peer review processes has been completed.It rates new homes on their overall quality and sustainability, then provides further indicators on the homes impact upon the occupants 'Running costs', 'Health and wellbeing' and 'Environmental footprint'.There are currently NSOs affiliated to BREEAM in:They can be produced from scratch by adapting current BREEAM schemes to the local context, or by developing existing local schemes.Where such measures do incur additional costs, these can frequently be paid back through lower running expenses, ultimately leading to saving over the life of the building.The findings included, for example, that 88 think it is a good thing, 96 would use the scheme again and 88 would recommend BREEAM to others.

There is growing evidence, for example, that BREEAM-rated buildings provide increased rates of return for investors, and increased rental rates and sales premiums for developers and owners. It found, for example, that these buildings achieved a 21 premium on transaction prices and an 18 premium on rents.Retrieved 8 May 2014. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Our consultants have years of experience when it comes to assisting with BREEAM assessments, providing advice, making recommendations and carrying out the ecological reports required. Get in touch for help with your BREEAM Assessment. BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), first published by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) in 1990, is the world’s longest established method of assessing, rating, and certifying the sustainability of buildings. At Thomson, we can assist you with the ecological side of your BREEAM assessment. What does BREEAM assessment involve. Ecological data will be collected by our teams of ecologists on an initial site visit. This is then used to prepare a BREEAM assessment report to fulfil the specific requirements of each issue. The work undertaken includes: an assessment of the ecological value of the site and how this will change post-development, recommendations for protection of ecological features and mitigating impact, recommendations on how to enhance the site for ecology, and an assessment of the long term impact on biodiversity, which can involve production of a five-year management plan for the development. You are in safe hands Our consultants meet the Suitably Qualified Ecologist (SQE) criteria as stipulated in the BRE guidelines. Working with our clients, they will maximise the credits available for each criteria. Additionally, at the post-construction stage, site visits can be undertake in order to assess and verify ecological compliance.

The evidence gathered at this stage facilitates the allocation of credits for gaining certification. To talk to us about how we can help with the ecological aspects of your BREEAM assessment, get in touch today. Contact us. Thomson environmental consultants is the trading name of Thomson Ecology Limited (Reg no. 4477751) Thomson Habitats Limited (Reg no. 6080718) and Thomson Unicomarine Limited (Reg no. 2296072) which are registered in England and Wales. Cookie Policy Privacy Policy. You can find out about our cookies and how to disable cookies in our Privacy Policy. If you continue to use this website without disabling cookies, we will assume you are happy to receive them. Close. The cost of additional consultants which may be required for a BREEAM rating alone can often be disproportionate to the benefit of the development itself;This also refers to the procurement type, noting that traditionally procured developments limit the value of certification by the time tenders are issued.The BREEAM schemes:When this occurs, BRE releases a revision to the BREEAM criteria to maintain the above performance levels.This difference is explored in more detail below.Without improving the performance of the development, the credits cannot be awarded.As the design was developed, the project team would have had to have produced documentation to meet the revised criteria instead of the original.This will require those setting BREEAM targets to adapt their requirements to suit each development.If further guidance is required, some useful links have been included at the bottom of the article.Refer to the following article on how the BREEAM issues relate to the RIBA Stages: Based on the typical time frames and assuming a technical audit is required, a period of three months from submission of the report to receipt of the certificate can be expected.Examples of this include:Evidence of certification could then be provided no more than six months after completion.

Updates also provide an opportunity for the BRE to address feedback from assessors, clients and other stakeholders to ensure the standard continues to deliver better buildings and value to the client. The BRE aims to review and update standards on a three to four year cycle and they have begun the process of updating. The next version is expected to go live in 2018. The DRAFT technical manual can be downloaded here. This stage confirms the process of monitoring, reviewing and reporting on the building once the building is occupied (typically a minimum of 12 month after occupation). Having examined various international options for benchmarking buildings, the DGBC choose to use the English BREEAM methodology as the basis for their sustainability label. BRE has had more than 100,000 buildings certified and operates in 15 different countries. International Brand Nowadays there are national BREEAM schemes for The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Spain and of course England itself. National Scheme Operators translate the International version of BREEAM and make it applicable to their country. For example, some criteria might be irrelevant in a certain country, because it’s already standard building practice or regulated. The use of different calculation methods is already discussed by the National Scheme Operators (NSO) and is accepted by the quality assurance of BRE. To keep the international comparibility BRE operates the Core Technical Standard, the list of criteria which each scheme must entail. So, there are differences in the various international schemes, but they are still comparable and valued similar. A three star rating in the Netherlands is the same as in Germany, Norway or England. BREEAM-NL BREEAM-NL comprises four different labels. First BREEAM-NL New Construction and Renovation. This label is operational since September 2009. It is used to determine the sustainable performance of new buildings. The second label is BREEAM-NL In-Use.

This assesses existing buildings on three levels: Building, Management and Use, operational since the summer of 2011. The third label is BREEAM-NL Area Development (2011) and assesses the sustainability performance of an area development. In 2013 DGBC launched the label BREEAM-NL Demolition to assess the sustainability of demolition projects. Dutch Green Building Council BREEAM-NL is developed and managed by DGBC, under license of BRE Global Ltd. The Netherlands has been formally recognized by the BRE as National Scheme Operator (Scheme Manager) and is therefore the only party in the Netherlands is entitled to operate this label. DGBC, as Scheme Operator, is responsible for the content and functioning of the BREEAM-NL Schemes. CvD operates independently with respect to both project team and board. Both board and CvD positions are unpaid jobs, and are compiled on the basis of the 'all parties concerned' principle and therefore represent all the relevant stakeholders. Nothing in the documents below creates any rights or obligations. It has been updated and expanded since its creation in 1990 to keep in line with current Building Regulations, address different building types and include advances in technology. The fully integrated (shower valve, controls, isolation valves and pipework) panels are assembled and pressure tested in our factory. Once on site, installation can be extremely quick and easy: hang the panel on the wall, ensure hanging true, secure the 4 concealed fixing screws and then connect the water supplies. Horne shower panels are also fully pre-plumbed assemblies that integrate pipework, thermostatic valve and controls with the shower head in a single unit that is quick and easy to install. Material wastage on site is therefore kept to a minimum. This is a central theme in all Horne designed products.

Integration of associated componentry (check valves, strainers, isolating servicing valves, T off to cold tap) also adds features without adding significant manufacturing cost. Horne surface mounted shower panels are pre-plumbed and pressure tested in our factory and so installation on-site can be very quick and easy - requiring only to be hung on the wall surface and the water supplies connected. The Optitherm thermostatic tap is a single modular unit hosting a thermostatic mixing valve, a hot water tap and a cold water tap, that is easily affixed to IPS panelling and the water connections made up. Installation is therefore fast, easy and simple to cost when using Horne products. Flow regulators or restrictors in basin TMVs and showers contribute to cost effective operation (see also Water Consumption below). Access to the valve internals is also straight-forward without the need to remove the panel from its mountings. The Optitherm thermostatic tap is also fully accessible from tile side and there is no need to remove wall paneling, which has Health and Safety implications for the FM providers involved as well as potential pathogenic contamination risks to patients. Maintenance procedures do not require any specialist skills, but technical assistance is offered via our technical helpline, online maintenance training and FOC face-to-face maintenance training seminars. Otherwise, disassembly into the constituent parts and materials for reuse or recycling is straightforward and contributes significantly to cost recovery. Manually mixing to a set temperature takes time, and the tendency to over-adjust wastes pre-heated (i.e. energy rich) water. As the inventors of the thermostatic mixing valve with a long history of refining the technology, we have designed our valves to achieve the highest accuracy of thermostatic control on the market.

Horne TMVs and shower valves will accurately and consistently control to the set temperature even when the difference between the hot water supply temperature and the set temperature is as little as 5K. Non-Horne TMVs and showers require a minimum of 10K between H and M temperatures. Horne valves are therefore significantly more energy efficient. In our experience, there is a tendency to oversize the mixing valve for the application, which results in wastage of (previously heated) water that has cooled to ambient temperature between usages. This also has negative implications for the Water Quality as deadlegs take longer to drain and stagnation increases. Horne’s Valve Sizing Tool can help to determine the optimum size of valve for any group mixing application and therefore contribute further to energy and water savings. Data for Horne relevant fittings is given in the table below. In non-healthcare applications the Optitherm could achieve 2 credit s. Timed flow controls can also be specified to reduce water wastage when a shower is inadvertently, or deliberately, left on. 2 - 3 credits available. Often the (now ambient) deadleg will be purged to drain and usage of the fitting will only occur once warm water has reached the outlet. The greater the pipe size, the greater the deadleg volume being wasted. This also has negative implications for the water quality as stagnation increases. Our Valve Sizing Tool can help to determine the optimum size of valve for any group mixing application and therefore make a significant contribution to energy and water savings. Flushing at this point, upstream of the thermostatic valve, allows higher flow rates and velocities to be achieved. This change in flow regime upsets the previous equilibirum (of normal flow usage) and shear forces increase at the internal pipe surfaces, sloughing off excess biofilm and carrying it away in the flow to drain.