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Important Notices and Privacy Statement. The Catalyst 2960 Series offers integrated security, including network admission control (NAC), advanced quality of service (QoS), and resiliency to deliver intelligent services for the network edge.Pagina 3 Port security can be used to limit access on an Ethernet port based on the MAC address of the device. Pagina 4 These QoS features allow network administrators to prioritize mission-critical and bandwidth-intensive traffic, such as enterprise resource planningPagina 6 Feature Benefit. Pagina 8 Feature BenefitPagina 10 Description Specification. Pagina 11 Description Specification. Pagina 12 Table 4. Management and Standards Support for Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series SwitchTable 7 gives ordering information for Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series switches. Table 7. Ordering Information for Cisco Catalyst. Pagina 15 Part Numbers Description. All rights reserved. Please try again.In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Please try your search again later.You can edit your question or post anyway.If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support ?Amazon calculates a product's star ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw data average. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness. VLANs are identified by a number from 1 to 4094. VLAN IDs 1002 through 1005 are reserved for Token Ring and FDDI VLANs. VTP version 1 and version 2 support only normal-range VLANs (VLAN IDs 1 to 1005). In these versions, the switch must be in VTP transparent mode when you create VLAN IDs from 1006 to 4094. Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE and later support VTP version 3. VTP version 3 supports the entire VLAN range (VLANs 1 to 4094).

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Extended range VLANs (VLANs 1006 to 4094) are supported only in VTP version 3. You cannot convert from VTP version 3 to VTP version 2 if extended VLANs are configured in the domain. It's easy! Sign in here. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the e quipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate ra dio-frequen cy energy and, if not installed and used in accordanc e with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communi cations. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful inte rference, in which case users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense. The following information is for FCC compliance of Class B devices: The equipment described in this manual generates and may ra diate rad io-freque ncy energy. If it is not installed in accordance with Cisco’s installation instructions, it may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in part 15 of the FCC rules. These sp ecifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. How ever, there is no guarantee that interference will not o ccur in a particular installation. Modifying th e equipmen t without C isco’s writ ten authorizat ion may resul t in the equipmen t no longer complying wi th FCC requi rem ents for Class A or Class B digital devices. In that event, your right to use the equipment may be limit ed by FCC regulati ons, and you may be required to correct a ny interference to ra dio or televi sion communicati ons at your ow n expense. You can determine whether your equ ipment is causing interference by tu rning it off. If the interference stops, it was probab ly caused by the Cisco equipment or one of its peripheral devices.

The Cisco implem entation of TCP header compr ession is an adap tation of a prog ram developed by the Universi ty of Califor nia, Berkeley ( UCB) as part of U CB’s public domain vers ion of the UNI X operating sys tem. All rights reserved.The use of the wor d par tn er does not im ply a par tnership rel ationshi p between Cisco and any other company. (0711R) Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command di spl ay output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustr ative purposes only. Any use of act ua l IP addre sses in ill ustra tive conte nt is uni ntentio nal and coincidental. All righ ts reser ved. I t desc ribes th e physi cal and perfor mance characte ristics of the switch, e xplains ho w to install it, an d prov ides troublesho oting inform ation. This guid e doe s not desc ribe sys tem me ssages tha t you m ight r eceiv e or h ow to configure your switch. For more info rmat ion, se e the sw itch soft ware configura tion guid e, the sw itch comm and refe rence, and the switch system message gui de on the Cisc o.com Produ ct Doc umentat ion home page. Conven tions This docu ment u ses these c on vent ions and symb ols for no tes, cautio ns, and warni ngs: Note Means r eader t ake note. No tes co ntain he lpful suggest ions or referen ces t o mat erials not cont ained in this manual. Cautio n Means re a d e r b e c a re f u l. In this situation, you might do someth ing that could result in equ ipment dam age or loss of data. The EMC re gulatory state ment s are al so inc lude d in that guide. Y ou are in a si tuation that could cause bodily inj ury. Bef ore you work on any equipment, be aware o f the hazards in v olved with electrical circuit ry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. Us e the s tatement numbe r provided at the end of each warning to locate its translation in the translat ed safety warnings that accompanied this device.

Statement 107 1 SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Th e 8-po rt Catalyst 2960 comp act switches pro vide the same Eth ernet connecti vity, but you can de ploy these swit ches ou tside of the trad itional wiri ng cl oset en vironment, s uch as in off ice wor kspaces and classro oms. See the switch software configuratio n guide for depl oyment exampl es. Ta b l e 1-1 describes the switch model featu res.Some Ca talyst 2960 switch es have a redun dant power syst em (RPS) conne ctor for an o ptional Cisco RPS 2300 or Cisco RPS 675 re dunda nt power system that oper ates on AC input and supplie s backup DC p owe r to the switch. Se e the compatibili ty matrix d ocuments for the RPS system s on Cisco.com for more inf ormation abo ut switch support for t he RPS mod els.See Figur e 1-2 and Figure 1-3.Use the software to set the con nector typ e for these ports. For more informa tion ab out the dual-p urpose port, see the “Dual-Purp ose Port” se ction on page 1-11. S ee Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6.Th e first membe r of the pai r (port 1) is abo ve the seco nd member (p ort 2), por t 3 is ab ove po rt 4, and so on. The SFP module slots are numbered 21 to 24 on the Catalyst 2960G-24TC-L switch an d 45 to 48 on the Catalyst 2960G-48 TC- L switch. See Figure 1-10 an d Figure 1-11. The Catal yst 2960G -24TC-L a nd Catalyst 2960 G-48 TC-L switche s have dual-p urpose port s, meaning ports 21 to 24 or 45 to 48 can use either the SFP module or the RJ-45 connector for that port, b ut not both. Use the software to set the con nector typ e for these ports.The s witche s also ha ve a dual-p urpose por t that can use eit h er an R J-45 connector or an SFP module, but not both. Us e the software to set the connector type for these ports. For more infor m ation on the dual-purpose po rt, see t he “Dual-Pu rpose Por t” secti on on page 1-11. F o r more infor mation on the console por t, see the “Con sole Port” section on pa ge 1-1 9. Y ou can also set these ports for speed and duplex autonegotia tion.

The defau lt setting is autone gotiate. When the port is set to autone gotiate, it senses the speed and dupl ex settings of the attached de vice and adver tises its ow n capabilities. If the connec ted de vice also suppo rts autonegotiation, the switch port negotiates the best conn ecti on (that is, t he fastest l ine speed tha t bot h devices suppor t and full-dup lex transmi ssion if the atta ched dev ice sup p orts it) and co nfigures itself accord ingly. In a ll cases, the att ached de vice must be wit hin 328 fee t (100 met ers). 100BASE-TX traffi c require s a Category 5 or highe r cable. 10 B A SE-T tra f fic can use Category 3 or Category 4 cable s. When yo u conne ct the swit ch to wor kstati o ns, ser vers, rou ters, and Cisco IP Ph ones, be sure that the cable i s a strai ght-thro ugh ca ble. W hen you conne ct the sw itch to switche s or hub s, use a cr ossover cable.When the aut o -MDIX featur e is enabled, the switch detects th e required cable ty pe for coppe r Eth ernet conn ecti ons and configur es the inte rfaces ac cord ingly. Y ou can also set t hese por ts for speed and duplex aut onegotiatio n. (The default setti ng is autonegoti ate.) W hen y ou set the port fo r auton egotiati on, it se nses th e spe ed and duplex sett ings of the attache d de vice and adv ertises its o wn capabiliti es. If the conn ected de vice also su p ports autone gotiatio n, the switc h port neg otiates the best connection (t h at is, t h e f a stest line speed that both devices support an d full -duplex tra nsmissi on if th e at tach ed device sup ports it) and configu res its elf accor d ingly. In all ca ses, the att ached de vice mu st be within 328 feet ( 100 meters ). 100BASE-TX and 1000BASE-T traffic requires a Categor y 5 or hi gher cable. 10BASE-T traffi c can us e Category 3 or Category 4 cables. When yo u connect the switch to work station s, server s, router s, and Cisco IP P hones, be sure that the cable i s a strai ght-thro ugh ca ble.

W hen you conne ct the sw itch to switche s or hub s, use a cr ossover cable. When usin g a straight -thro ugh or cr ossover cable for 100 0B ASE-T connect ions, be sure to use a twisted four-pair, Category 5 or higher cable for pr oper op erati on. Pin outs for the cables are d escribed in Appendix A, “Conn ector and Cable Spe cifications. ” You can use the mdix auto interface configura tion command in the CLI to enable t h e autom a tic mediu m-depen dent interf ace crosso ver (auto-M DIX) feat ure. When the aut o-MDIX feature is enabled, the swi tch detects the required cab le type f or coppe r Ethernet c onnect ions and conf igures the in terfaces accord ingly. F or conf iguration info rmation for this fea ture, see the switch sof tware configurati on gu ide or the switc h com mand re fer ence. PoE Po rts This section applie s only to the Catal yst 2960- 24PC-L and Ca talyst 296 0 2 4L T -L sw itches. War ni n g V oltages that present a shock hazard m ay exis t on Power over Et hernet (PoE) circuits if interconnections are made using uninsulated expos ed metal contact s, conductors, or terminals. A void using such interconnection methods, unless the exposed metal parts are located within a restricted access location and user s and service people who are aut horized wit hin the restricted access location are made aware of the hazard. A restricted access area can be accessed only through the use of a special tool, lock and key or other means of security.The Auto setting is the def ault. Ho we ver, when you select the Ne ver setting, the port do es no t pr ovide power even if a Ci sco IP phon e or an acce ss point is connect ed to it. Cisco enha nced p ower negotiation a llows some powered devices, such a s th e Cisco 7970G I P Phone, to operate in high-power mode on Catalyst 29 60 PoE switches. The powered device and the switc h negotiate t hrou gh power-negotiation Cisco Discovery Prot ocol (C DP) m essag es for an agreed -upon power-consumption level.

The negot iatio n all ows a high- power Cisco powered device that consum es more t han 7 W to oper ate at it s hig hest power mode. Th e powered device first boo ts up in l ow-po w er mode, con sumes l ess than 7 W, and negotiates to ob tain en ough power to operate in high-power mode. The device change s to high -power mode only whe n it receives confirmation fro m the switc h. High-power devices can operat e in low-po w er mode on switches tha t do not suppor t po wer-negotiatio n CDP. For informat ion about configuring and monitor ing PoE po rts, see the sw itch soft ware configurat ion gu ide. Th e powered device might swit ch to the A C power source as it s primary power source upo n being con nected to it. In tha t case, the PoE por t become s the back up power sour ce f or the powered device. If the pr imary sou rce fails, the seco nd power source becomes the prim ary power source to the powered device. Dur ing the power transfe r, an IP phon e migh t rebo ot o r rees tabli sh link wit h the switc h. For informat ion about Cisco IP Pho nes and Cisco Aironet Access Points, see the documentation th at came wit h your IP phone or access p oint. Many legacy powered devices, inc luding o lder C isco IP phone s and a ccess po ints tha t do n ot full y support IEEE 8 02.3a f, mig ht not suppo rt PoE when connec ted to the sw itches by a c rossover cable. SFP Modu le Slots The Catalyst 2960 switches (other than those list ed) use Gigabit E thernet SFP module s for Gigabit uplink connections and 100-Megabit SFP modules f or 100-Megabit connections to establish fiber -optic connections. Y ou can use the SFP m odules for Gigabit uplink c onnections to o ther switche s. Y ou use fiber-optic cables wit h LC connec tors to co nnect to a f i ber-optic SFP modul e. Y ou use Cat egory 5 or higher cable with RJ-45 connectors to connect to a copper SFP module.

For more information about these SFP modules, see y our SFP module documentation o r the release notes for y our swi tch so ftware. For mor e info rmat ion ab out ca bling requ ireme nts, se e A ppendix A, “Conn ector a nd Cable Spe cifications. ” If both ports are connected, the SFP module port has priority. Yo u cannot conf igure the priority setting. Y ou can co nfigure the dup lex setting. Se e the sof tware con figuration for m ore i nformat ion.Figu re 1-17 shows an d example of the switch LED s and the M ode button that you use to sele ct one of the port modes. All LED s are visibl e through t he GUI mana gement applica tions—N etwork A ssistant for multipl e switches an d the device manag er for a singl e switch. T he switc h software co nfiguration gu ide describe s ho w to use the CLI to conf igure and to mo n itor indi vidual sw itches and switch cl u sters. The Catal yst 2960-2 4PC-L an d Catalyst 2960- 24L T - L switche s have a PoE LED. The Catal yst 2960- 8TC-L, 296 0G-8TC- L, 2 960PD-8T T -L, 2960-24-S, 2960-24TC- S, and 2960- 48TC-S switch es do not hav e an RPS LED. 1 Pow er adapter por t 4 8 V, 0. 3 A 1 270433 Ta b l e 1-2 lists th e LED colors and th eir meanings. RPS LED The RPS LED sho ws the RPS status. Ta b l e 1-3 li sts the LE D colors a n d th eir meanin gs. Note Th e Catalyst 29 60-8TC -L, 2960G -8TC- L, 2960 PD-8TT -L, 2960-2 4-S, 2960 -24TC-S, a nd 2960-48T C-S switch es do not hav e an RPS LED. 1 SYST LED 5 Speed LED 2 RPS LED 6 Mode button 3 Status LED 7 Port LEDs 4 Duple x LED 137070 S Y S T R P S S T A T D U P L X S P E E D M ODE 1X 11X 1X 11X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 4 7 1 2 3 6 Ta b l e 1 -2 S yst em LED Col or Sy stem Stat us Off System is not powered on. Green System is opera ting norma lly. Amber System is recei ving powe r b ut is not functioning prop erly. Port LEDs and Modes Each RJ -45 port and SFP mo dule slot ha s a port LE D.

These port LE Ds, as a group or individually, display informa tion about th e sw itch an d abo ut the individual p orts. T he po rt modes determ ine t he ty pe of informatio n displayed through the port LEDs. Ta b l e 1-4 lists the mode LEDs and their associ ated port mode a nd mea ning. T o select or change a mode, pre ss the Mode b u tton until the de sir ed mode is highlig h ted. When you chan ge port mo des, the meanin gs of the por t LED c olors al so change. Ta b l e 1- 5 ex p lains ho w to interpre t the p ort LED colors in differ ent port modes. Ta b l e 1- 3 R P S L E D Col or RPS Status Off RPS i s off or not pro perly con nected. Green RPS is conne cted and ready to provide back-up power, if requir ed. Blin king gree n RPS is connec ted but is unav ail able because it is providing power to another device (redund ancy has bee n allocate d to a neig hboring device). Amber The RPS is in standb y mode or in a fault condition. If it does no t, th e RPS fan could hav e failed. Contact Cisco Systems. Blinki ng amber The inte rnal po wer supply in a switch has faile d, and the RPS is providing p o wer to the switc h (redu ndancy has been alloc ated to this device). Ta b l e 1- 4 Po r t M o d e L E D s Mode LED Po rt Mode Description ST A T Po rt status The po rt status. This is the defaul t mode. DUPLX Port d uplex mode The port duplex mod e: full duplex or ha lf duplex.Ta b l e 1-6 lists the PoE m ode LED colors an d their mean ings. The PoE L E D applies only to C atalyst 2960 switches that support PoE. Ta b l e 1 -5 Meaning of LED Colors in Dif f er ent Modes on the Switch Port Mode LED Color Meaning ST A T (port status) Of f N o link, or port was admini stratively shut do w n. Green Link pre sen t. Blinking green Activity. Port is sending or receiving data. Alterna ting green -amber Link f ault.

Error frames ca n affect co nnecti vity, and errors su ch as excessiv e collisi ons, cycli c redunda ncy check (CRC ) error s, and alignment and jabber e rrors are monitored for a link-fault i ndication. Amber Port is blocked by Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) an d is not forward ing data. A fter a por t is reco nfigured, t he port L ED ca n re main a mber for up to 30 seconds as STP ch ecks the switch for possible loops. Blinking amber Port is blocked by ST P and is sendin g or receiving pa ckets. DUPLX (dupl ex) Of f Port is operat ing in ha lf duplex. Green Po rt is ope rating in f u ll dupl ex. PoE PoE port p owe r The P oE sta tus. Ta b l e 1- 6 Po E M o d e L E D Col or PoE S tat us Off PoE mode is not sele cted. Green PoE mode is sele cted, and t he PoE status is shown on the port LED s. Blin king ambe r PoE mo de is not sel ected.When you chan ge port mo des, the meanin gs of the por t LED c olors al so change. Ta b l e 1- 7 ex p lains ho w to interpre t the p ort LED colors in differ ent port modes. Ta b l e 1 -7 Meaning o f Por t LED Colors in Diff er ent Modes on the S witch Port Mode LED Color Meaning PoE Off PoE is off. If th e powered device is receiving p ower from an AC power source, the PoE p ort LE D is of f ev en if the power ed devi ce is connected to the switch por t. Green PoE is on. Th e port LED is green only when the switch p ort is prov iding power. Alternating green and ambe r PoE is de nied be cause p roviding power to the p owered device will excee d the 37 0 W switch po wer capacity. Blinki ng amber PoE is off due to a f ault. Caution PoE faults are ca used wh en noncomp liant cabling or powere d de vice s are connec ted to a PoE po rt. Use on ly standard -comp liant ca bling to conne ct Cisc o pre-stan dard IP Phon es or wirel ess ac cess points or IEEE 8 02.3a f-compli ant devices t o PoE port s. Y ou must re move from the netw ork the cab le or de vice that causes a PoE f ault. Amber PoE fo r the por t has been dis abled.

P oE is enabled b y default. ST A T (port st atus) Off No link, or port was admi nistratively shut down. Green Link pres ent. Blin king gree n Activity. Por t is sendin g or receiving data. Alternating gree n-ambe r Link faul t. Error frame s can affect conne ctivity, and er rors su ch as excessive collisions, CR C errors, a n d alignmen t and jab ber errors are m onitored for a link-fault indicati on. Amber Port is blocked by Spannin g Tr ee Protoc ol (STP) a nd is not forward ing data. After a port is re configured, the port LED can rema in am ber for up to 30 se conds as STP checks the network topo logy for possi ble loop s. Blinki ng amber Port is bloc ked by STP and is not s ending or re ceiving packets. DUPLX (dupl ex) Off Port is opera ting in half duplex. Green Port is ope rating in f ull dupl ex.See the e xample in Figure 1- 18. The LEDs show ho w the p ort is being used (Ethernet or SFP module). The LED co lors ha ve the sam e meanings as des cri bed in Ta b l e 1-4 a nd Ta b l e 1-5. Figur e 1 -18 Dual-Pur pose P ort LEDs Cable Guard for the Catalys t 2960-8TC-L, 2960G-8TC -L, a nd 2960PD-8T T-L Switches Y ou can ord er an option al cable guard to sec ure cables t o the front of t he Cataly st 29 60-8TC -L, 2960G-8 TC-L, a nd 29 60PD-8TT - L switc hes and to prev ent the m fr om being acci denta lly removed.Cisco RPS Connectors Y ou ca n connec t the Cisco RPS 2300 or the Cisco RPS 675 to provide backup power if the swi tch internal po wer supply fails on those switches that ha ve an RPS pow e r connector. Note These Catalyst 2960 switches do not hav e an RPS connector: Catalyst 2960- 8TC-L, 296 0G-8TC- L, 2960PD-8 TT -L, 2960-24- S, 2960-24TC -S, and 296 0-48TC-S switc hes. Connect the switch an d the Cisco RPS 2300 o r the Cisco RPS 675 to t he sam e AC pow er sour ce. Se e the Cisco redun dant po wer systems (RPS) co m patibility m a trix docu ments on Cisco.

c o m for mor e inform ation a bout w hich RPS are sup ported on eac h of t he C atalyst 29 60 swi tches. Use the su pplied RPS con nector cab le to connect the RPS to the swit ch. Fo r informat ion about po wer requireme n ts for the remote po wer system that you are connectin g, see the hardwar e installation gui d e for th at p ower system. 1 RJ-45 console port 3 RPS connector 2 Fan exha ust 4 A C power co nnecto r C O N S O L E 1 2 3 4 137071 Thi s is a redunda nt power syst em tha t can su pport six ne twork swit ches a nd provide power to one or two failed switch es at a ti me. It automatically senses wh en the power suppl y of a connected switch f ails and provid es power to the failed switch, prev enting loss of n etwork traf fic. The total ma ximum out put power depends on the installed p o wer-supply modules. The si x por ts on the RPS 23 00 provide the p ower and mana gement comm unicati on sign als to the Catalyst 2960 switc hes. All conne cted swi tches ca n simulta neously c ommunic ate with t he RPS 2300. If you want to con nect the sw itch co nsole port to a termi nal, you ne ed to provide an RJ-45-to -DB-2 5 female DTE a dapte r. For consol e p ort an d adap ter p inout informa tion, se e the “ Connect or and Cable Specifications ” secti on on page A-1. Figure 1-20 shows the slot on a left-side panel. Network Assistant offers centra lized m anag ement of Cisco switches ran ging from the Catalyst 2950 swit ch to the Catalyst 450 6 switch. Device ma nager is a w eb int erface that o ffers quick configurat ion a nd monit oring. Y o u can acce ss the device manage r from anyw here in you r network t hrough a web browser. For more infor matio n, see the de vice mana ger online help. 1 Security s lot 1 157824 Y ou can acc ess the CL I either by conn ecti ng your mana gement station directl y to the swi tch consol e port or by using T elnet from a re mote ma nagement station. See the C atalyst 2 960 Switch Comma nd Reference on C isco.

c om for more informa tion. The CiscoV iew applica tion, whi ch you purc hase sepa rately, can be a standal one appl icati on or part of a Simp le Network Ma nagement Protocol (SN MP) plat form. Y ou also can manage i t from an SNMP-co mpatible wo rkstatio n that is ru nning pl atform s such as HP OpenV iew or SunNet Manage r. The Ci sco C onfiguration Engine is a network m anag ement device that wor ks with embedd ed CN S agents in th e switch softwa re. Y ou ca n use Cisc o Conf iguration Engine to automate initial configurati ons and configurat ion upda tes on the switch. Network Configurations See the sw itch s oftware co nfigurati on guide on Cisco.com for an explanat ion of n etwork c onfiguratio n concep ts. The software con figuration gui de also provide s examples of ne twork configurat ions that use the switc h to cre a te dedica ted network se gments that are interconnected th rough Gigabit E thernet connec tions. This chap ter provides in stallation informati o n for all Catalyst 2960 switch es, e xcept for the Catalyst 2960-8 TC, Cat alyst 2 960G-8T C, an d Cata lyst 2960 PD-8TT -L sw itches. For insta llation inform ation fo r those switch es, see Chapter 3, “Switch Installation (8-Port Switches). ” The instruction s in this chapter for connecting to the switch ports and for installi ng and connecting to the small form-factor plug gable (SFP) modules apply to al l Catalyst 2960 switches, including the 8-p ort switch es.Statement 1 7B War ni n g Before working on equipment that is connected to power lines, remove jewelry (including rings, necklaces, and watches). Metal objects will heat up when conne ct ed to power and ground and can cause serious burns or weld the metal object to the terminals. Statement 43 War ni n g Do not stack the chassis on any other equipment. If t he chassis falls, it can cause severe bodily injury and equipment da mage. Statement 48 War ni n g Ethernet cables must be sh ielded when used i n a central office environment.

Statement 1 71 War ni n g If a redundant power sy stem (RPS) is not connected to the switch, install an RPS connector cover on the back of the switch. Statement 265 War ni n g T o comply with safety regulations, mount the switches on a wall with the front panel facing up. Statement 266 War ni n g This product must be connected to a power-over -ethernet (PoE) IEEE 802.3af compliant power source or an IEC60950 compliant li mited power source. Stat ement 3 70 War ni n g Read the wall-mounting instructions carefully before beginning install ation. Failure to use the correct hardware or to follow the correct procedur es could result in a hazardous situation to people and damage to the sy stem. Statement 378 Statement 1001 War ni n g Read the installation instructi ons before connecting the sy stem to the power source. Statement 1004 War ni n g Class 1 laser product. Statement 1008 War ni n g This unit is intended for installat ion in restri cted access area s. A restricted access area can be accessed only through the use of a sp ecial tool, lock and key, or other means of security. Statement 1017 War ni n g The plug-socket combination must be ac cess ible at all times, because it serves as the main disconnecting device. Statement 101 9 War ni n g This equipment must be grounded. Never def eat the ground conductor or operate the equipment in the absence of a suitably installed ground conductor. C ontact the appropriate electrical inspection authority or an electrician if you are uncertain that suitable grounding is available. Statement 1024 War ni n g T o prevent bodily injury when mounting or servici ng this unit in a rack, y ou must take special precautions to ensure that the sy stem remains stable. Statement 1 006 All connections must be removed t o de-energize the unit. Statement 10 28 War ni n g Only trained and qualif ied personnel should be allowed t o install, replace, or s ervice this equipment.

Statement 1030 War ni n g Ultimate disposal of this product should be handl ed according to all national laws and regula tions. Statement 1044 War ni n g When installing or replacing the unit, the ground conne ct ion must alway s be made first and disconnected last. Statement 1 046 War ni n g V oltages that present a shock hazard m ay exis t on Power over Et hernet (PoE) circuits if interconnections are made using uninsulated expos ed metal contact s, conductors, or terminals. A restricted access area can be accessed only through the use of a special tool, lock and key or other means of security. Statement 10 72 War ni n g No user -serviceable parts inside. Do not open. Statement 1 073 War ni n g Installation of t he equipment must comp l y with local and nati onal electrical codes. Statement 1 074 Guidelines for Pa rticulate Matter Cisco Et hernet Switch es are equip ped w ith coolin g mech anism s, suc h as fans a nd blowers. H owe ver, these fa n s and blo wers can dra w dust and o ther particles, causin g contaminant build up inside the ch assis, which can result in a system malfunctio n. Y ou must i nstall thi s equ ipment in an environment as free as possibl e from dust and foreig n cond uctiv e material ( such as metal f lakes from co n struction a ctivities). Catalyst 2960 switch SFP ports can use both GLC-GE-100XX and GLC-FE-100XX SFP modules. When you use shorter leng ths of single-m ode fiber cable, you might need to insert an in line optic al attenua tor in the l ink to avoid o verloading the receiver. If the switch is installed in a closed or multirack assembly, the temperat ure around it might be great er tha n norma l room te mperatur e. For informatio n applicab le to those switch es, see Chapter 3, “ Switch Installatio n (8-Port Switches). ” Carefull y rem ove the conten ts fro m the shi pping c ont ainer, and look at each item f or dama ge. If a ny item is missin g or damage d, contact you r Cisco represen tative or reseller for supp ort.