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JQuery is not compatible with PSP & NDSi
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ON-ROAD USE This scooter is designed to be used only on the road. READ THIS OWNER’S MANUAL CAREFULLY Pay special attention to the safety messages that appear throughout the manual.Honda Motor Co.,Ltd. reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation. Vietnam The specifications may vary with each locale. And operating this scooter safely is an important responsibility. To help you make informed decisions about safety, we have provided operating procedures and other information on labels and in this manual. You CAN be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions. You CAN be HURT if you don’t follow instructions.To make responsibility for your own safety and yourself more visible, wear bright reflective understand the challenges that you can. See page for more details. Not wearing a helmet increases the chance of serious injury or death in a crash. A helmet Sturdy boots with non-slip soles to help should fit your head comfortably and protect your feet and ankles. You should also wear a face shield or goggles. Clothes should be close-fitting. Wear bright or reflective clothing. Wear gloves. Shoes should be close-fitting, have low heels and offer ankle protection. When you carry a and how you load it, are important to your passenger, you may feel some difference safety. So be sure to stay within the limits given below: Maximum weight: in center compartment: 10 kg (22 lb) shopping hook: 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) rear carrier: 3.0 kg (6.6 lb) Rear carrier:. Honda Genuine Accessories that have been B e f o r e y o u c o n s i d e r m a k i n g a n y. This scooter was not designed We strongly advise you not to remove any for these attachments, and their use can original equipment or modify your scooter seriously impair your scooter’s handling. Their functions are described in the tables on the following pages.

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(1) Left turn signal indicator (2) High beam indicator (3) PGM-FI malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) (4) Oil change indicator (13) (5) Right turn signal indicator. Oil change indicator. Digital clock Shows hour and minute (page (10) When the needle begins to move above the C (Cold) mark ( ), the engine is warm enough for the scooter to be ridden. The normal operating temperature range is within the section between the H and C marks. The amount of fuel left in the tank with the vehicle set upright when the fuel gauge n e e d l e e n t e r s t h e r e d b a n d i s approximately:. The time is advanced by one minute, Turn the ignition switch ON.The oil change interval specified on the indicator will appear for 2 seconds, then maintenance schedule (page. The indicator will start blinking after the scooter has covered approximately 4,000 km (2,500 miles). Therefore, after the second engine oil change, as described in the maintenance schedule (page ), remember to reset the. Use a handlebar ( ) to adjust the rear shocks. Always adjust the shock absorber position in sequence (1-2-3 or 3-2-1). For normal braking, apply both the front and rear brake lever to match your road speed. If the pads are not worn, have your brake system inspected for leaks. The recommended brake fluid is Honda DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealed container, or an equivalent. Other Checks: Make sure there are no fluid leaks. If the pads are not worn, have your brake system inspected for leaks. Other Checks: Make sure there are no fluid leaks. Use only genuine HONDA PRE-MIX COOLANT containing corrosion inhibitors, specifically recommended for aluminum engines when adding or replacing the Do not use non-ethylene glycol coolant, tap coolant. Check the coolant level in the reserve tank while the engine is at the normal operating temperature with the scooter in an upright position. Fuel tank capacity is: 7.5 (1.98 US gal, 1.

65 Imp gal) To open the fuel fill cap ( ), unlock and lift up the seat (page ), then remove the fuel fill cap by turning it counterclockwise. If spark knock or pinking persists, consult your Honda dealer. Failure to do so is considered misuse, and damage caused by misuse is not covered by. Check Engine Oil Level Check for oil leaks. Check the engine oil level each day before riding the scooter. The level must be maintained between the Running the engine with insufficient oil upper ( ) and lower ( ) level marks on the pressure may cause serious engine damage. As discussed be as good as a new tyre.Excessive heat build-up can cause the tube to burst. Use only tubeless tyres on this scooter. The rims are designed for tubeless tyres, and during hard acceleration or braking, a tube-type tyre could slip on the rim and cause the tyre to rapidly deflate. LOCK (1) Ignition switch Key Position Function Key Removal LOCK Steering is locked. Engine and lights cannot be Key can be (steering lock) operated. Store the plate in a number plate ( ). safe place. To reproduce keys, bring all keys, key number plate and scooter to your Honda dealer. (1) Keys (2) Key number plate. Position light, taillight, license light and meter lights on. Passing Light Control Switch ( ) When this switch is pressed, the headlight flashes on to signal approaching cars or when passing. Remove the key. To unlock the steering, turn the key to OFF while pushing in. To open the seat, insert the ignition key ( ) and turn it to the OFF position while pushing in, then turn it counterclockwise to unlock. Pull the seat up. To lock the seat, lower and push down on it until it locks. The helmet holders are designed to secure your helmet while parked. Open the seat (page Hang your helmet on the hooks at the seat hinge and lower the seat to lock. Open the seat (page This owner’s manual and other documents should be stored in this compartment. When washing your scooter, be careful not to flood this area with water.

Removal: Remove the screws ( ). Release the hooks ( ), then remove the front cover. Installation: Installation can be done in the reverse order of removal. Obey local laws and regulations. (1) Screw (A) Up (B) Down. Front and rear brakes check operation; make sure there is no brake fluid leakage (pages. High levels of carbon described below.Do not run the This scooter has an automatic fuel valve. Follow the procedure indicated below. Place the scooter on its center stand. Squeeze the rear brake lever ( ). The electric starter will only work when the rear brake lever is pulled in. With the throttle completely closed, press the start button ( ). Confirm the following: The PGM-FI malfunction indicator lamp The engine will not start if the throttle is (MIL) is OFF.Allow the engine to warm up before Open the throttle fully. Make sure the throttle is closed and before moving the rear brake is applied the scooter off the center stand. The rear wheel must be locked when moving the scooter off the center stand or loss of control may result. Grasp the handlebars firmly with both hands. To decelerate, close the throttle. Both front and rear brakes should be applied together. Independent use of only the front or rear brake reduces stopping performance. When riding on wet or loose surfaces, be especially cautious. When riding in wet or rainy conditions or on loose surfaces, the ability to maneuver and stop will be reduced. For your safety: Exercise extreme caution when braking, accelerating or turning. The exhaust pipe and muffler become Use the center stand to support the very hot during operation and remain scooter while parked. This LOCK STEERING sounds simple but people do forget. Be sure the registration information for your scooter is accurate and current. Park your scooter in a locked garage whenever possible. It are able to make some repairs. Do not run the engine unless instructed use only new Honda Genuine Parts or their to do so.

Read the instructions before you begin, and make sure you have the tools and skills required. Consult your Honda dealer. Should be serviced by your Honda dealer, unless the owner has proper tools and service data and is mechanically qualified. Refer to the Official Honda Shop Manual. In the interest of safety, we recommend these items be serviced only by your Honda dealer. Some roadside repairs, minor adjustments and parts replacement can be performed with the tools contained in the kit. 12 mm Open end wrench 14 mm Open end wrench 4 mm Hex wrench Spark plug wrench. They may also be required by your dealer when ordering replacement parts. Thoroughly clean the inside of the air The air cleaner should be serviced at cleaner housing ( ).Using degrade the viscous element performance the wrong Honda air cleaner element or a and cause the intake of dust.Disconnect the drain tube ( ). Remove the belt case air cleaner assembly ( ) by removing the bolts ( ). (4) Belt case air cleaner assembly (5) Bolts (1) Screws. Reinstall the crankcase breather tube plug. Service more frequently when riding in rain, at full throttle, or after the scooter is washed or overturned. The following provides a There are two classes: MA and MB. Change the we recommend that you have your Honda engine oil as specified in the maintenance dealer perform this service. Clean the oil strainer screen.Severe engine damage could result. If the erosion or deposit is heavy, base. An improperly tightened spark plug can Tighten the spark plug: damage the engine. If a plug is too loose, a If the old plug is good: piston may be damaged. Measure the throttle grip freeplay at the throttle grip flange. Suspension action should be smooth and there must be no oil leakage. If either pad is worn to the wear indicator mark, replace both pads as a set. See your Honda dealer for this service. (1) Wear indicator marks. If either pad is worn to the bottom of the grooves, replace both pads as a set.

See your Honda dealer for this service. (2) Wear indicator grooves. Remove the maintenance lid (page Remove the battery holder ( ) by removing the screws ( ). Disconnect the negative ( ) terminal lead ( ) from the battery first, then disconnect the positive ( ) terminal lead ( ). See your Honda dealer for repair. Never use a fuse with a different rating from that specified. Serious damage to the electrical system or a fire may result, causing a dangerous loss of lights or engine power. The specified fuses are: 15A, 10A Remove the front cover (page Open the fuse box cover ( ). Pull out the fuse with the fuse puller furnished in the tool kit (page ). The specified fuse is: Remove the maintenance lid (page Disconnect the wire connector ( ) of the starter magnetic switch ( ). Pull the fuse out. If the main fuse is blown, install a new main fuse. The light bulb becomes very hot while the Do not use bulbs other than those light is ON, and remains hot for a while specified. Remove the right and left handle covers Loosen the lock nuts ( ) until they will ( ) by removing the screws A ( ).Disconnect the connector ( ). T u r n t h e b u l b h o l d e r counterclockwise and remove the bulb (10) ( ). Install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal. Pull out the position light bulb ( ) without turning. Install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal. (1) Socket (2) Bulb. Slightly press the bulb ( ) and turn it counterclockwise. Install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal. (1) Taillight lens (3) Bulb (2) Screws. Remove the socket ( ) by turning it clockwise. Slightly press the bulb ( ) and turn it counterclockwise. Remove the taillight lens (page Remove the rear turn signal lens ( ) by removing the screw ( ). Slightly press the bulb ( ) and turn it counterclockwise. Pull out the socket ( ). Pull out the bulb ( ) without turning. Install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal.

Clean the scooter with a sponge or soft Avoid cleaning products that are not cloth using cool water. Several applications may be necessary to Strong detergent residue can corrode restore normal braking performance.The salt in seawater causes rust.Clean the wheels surface with a soft cloth or sponge. Dry af ter riding through any of these with a soft, clean cloth. Change the engine oil. Wipe up spills immediately. Make sure the cooling system is filled with a HONDA PRE-MIX COOLANT. Empty the fuel tank into an approved petrol container using a commercially available hand siphon or an equivalent method. Store in an area perform the following: protected from freezing temperatures Remove the spark plug cap from the and direct sunlight. spark plug. Using tape or string, secure Slow charge the battery once a month. Change the engine oil if more than 4 months have passed since the start of storage. Charge the battery as required. Install the battery. Drain any excess aerosol rust-inhibiting oil from the fuel tank. Honda dealer check the frame and suspension after any serious crash. If you decide that you are capable of riding safely, first evaluate the condition of your scooter. The catalytic converter must operate at a Keep the engine in good running high temperature for the chemical reactions condition. Please try your request again later. Why did this happen. This page appears when Google automatically detects requests coming from your computer network which appear to be in violation of the Terms of Service. The block will expire shortly after those requests stop. This traffic may have been sent by malicious software, a browser plug-in, or a script that sends automated requests. If you share your network connection, ask your administrator for help — a different computer using the same IP address may be responsible. Learn more Sometimes you may see this page if you are using advanced terms that robots are known to use, or sending requests very quickly.

Something went wrong. Get what you love for less.User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by DigiCert. Honda is one of those companies in the history ofEven in the most difficult times, these courageous people found the strength to move on.Now other companies began to take an example fromToday, Honda is a recognized leader in the world of motorcycle, which produces the most advanced models of two-wheeled vehicles.Honda motorcycles are never an aging classic. And we all love her andThe company produces all classes of modern motorcycles. From Harley Davidson-style bikes to huge travel models you can only dream of.Chrome parts, superior design, perfect assembly. Fairy tale, not a car.For a motorist, buying a Honda motorcycle is not just a dream. People have been raising money for years, looking at new models,However, failure for Honda is a rarity. Anyway, when it comes toHis father gradually masters the craft of a bicycle repairman, making Soichiro firstA fanatical racing fan, he builds his own racing car.At first, his company was experiencing difficulties, as Soichiro simply did not have experience in this field. However, over time, theThis was facilitated by the protectionist policy regarding basic duties on imported goods. Soichiro HondaA deep post-war crisis reigns in the country. Soichiro realizes that, as industry, the economy and normal peaceful life recovers, affordable transport willIt quickly gained popularity among amateur motorcycle racers and lasted two decades, leaving a memory of itselfHe wrote: “My childhood’s dream was to become aI had to take first place on a Honda motorcycle of my own design.

However, becoming a little older, I realized that before winning the championships, you need to buildIn recent years, we have been doing this and today we offer the Japanese products of very high quality, but weThere he draws close attention to German NSU motorcycles, which were considered favorites in the 125 and 200 diceSubsequently, MV Agusta refuses this decision and returns to the race, and racing motorcycles from other manufacturers are sold. One of them (the Mondial racing model) isJapanese motorcycle designers did not copy this Italian motorcycle. He served as their inspiration and standard for which they aspired.Its distinguishing features are a stampedSubsequently, models with 70 and 90 cc engines appeared. This motorcycle has become the world's most popularHonda wins manufacturer cup.In races in both classes, Honda rider Mike Hailwood won first place. TheFor this reason, the direction of motorsport is experiencing some difficulties. However, Honda's motorcycle sales remain impressive. The HondaThis year, Honda opens its first foreign assembly plant - it became a plant in Belgium.In order to successfully perform in the 250 dice class, while continuing to bet on 4-stroke power units,This technical work of art makes a huge impression on the world of motor sports, but nonetheless, Phil Read won the YamahaHowever, in 66 and 67, Mike Halewood at the world championships in the class of 250 cubes comes to the finish line first on the Honda 3RC164 motorcycle model.Of these, only one came to the finish - Dick Mann (Dick Mann), but he finished first, which overshadowed the failure of other team members.The new engineIt was first presented to the public at a motorcycle exhibition in Cologne, and after only a year it began to beThe motorcycle is equipped with the first four-stroke liquid-cooled motor. In addition, a cardan shaft is used as the main gear on it.

Another innovation was theIt became the NR500 model, in the V-shaped four-cylinder engine ofIt was a real breakthrough for the designers of engines. However, in the course of testing the motorcycle, many problems were identified that could beNevertheless, in the races Honda NR500 suffered one failure after another and as a result did not bring the motorcycle team of the company a single victory.Prior to this, in this class, the company managed to win only inIn the nextIts price is twice the usual stock InterceptorIts civilian version is equipped with a 750 cc engine.Despite the widespread use of ultralight materials, the mass of the modelThe creation of designer Tadao Baba (Tadao Baba) combines the power of an openThe following year, the organizers of the championship refused to race in this class.In total, more than two hundred million motorcycles have been produced on the basis of the Honda Cub engine in the world.Although this is not a sport bike, as fans of the brand expected, no one was disappointed in the motorcycle. Its main advantage was the optionalAnother bright premiere of this year was the Honda Fury - a classic chopper-style road bike. The noveltyThus begins the sale of three models equipped with a 500 cc engine - CBR500R,Do you have it? Thanks.All content on theIf you are the author of this material, then please contact us in order to provide users with a pleasant and convenient alternative, after reading, buying a quality “original” directly from the publisher. The site. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details.You can change your ad preferences anytime. File Type: PDF. File Size: 182.35. Publish Date: 12 May, 2014Get honda sh 125 manual taller PDF file for free from our online library.

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