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By using these principles, you can simplify the process and save yourself some extra time and effort. When the lat cables are not in. Bottom surface of lower lat crown should be in contact with incline bench rest. Make sure the new Power Rods are secure and fully seated into the base before using them. In the event repair is not possible, The Nautilus Group, Inc.We highly recommend that insure your shipment. Please try again.Please try again.In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Register a free business account Please try your search again later.All in a compact size that fits smaller workout spaces.The Xtreme SE lets you perform more than 65 gym-quality exercises, including exercises for the chest, shoulder, back, arms, abdominals, and legs--in short, everything you need to improve strength, tone, or bulk up. Resistance derives from the 210 pounds of Power Rod units, which feel as good or better than free weights but without the latter's inertia or risk of joint pain. If that's not enough resistance, you can also upgrade the Xtreme SE to 310 or 410 pounds. And dedicated lifters will dig the adjustable cable and pulley system, which lets you change your resistance angle to target exercises more efficiently to certain muscle groups. Other details include five-way handgrip and ankle cuffs, an ergonomic adjustable seat with a polyurethane cushion, and a reinforced X-shaped base for maximum stability. The Xtreme SE measures 49 by 81 by 62 inches (W x H x D) and carries a seven-year limited warranty. The Xtreme SE offers an ergonomic adjustable seat with a polyurethane cushion for added back support while exercising. The Power Rod units have a no-time-limit warranty. If you wear them out, Bowflex will replace them for free.

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About Home Gyms While offering the convenience of working out in the comfort and privacy of your own home, home gyms also allow you to focus on specific routines without having to wait in line or switch between a complex array of machines. In addition to improving strength, power, coordination, and muscular endurance, weight training can enhance weight reduction, enhance the immune and cardiovascular systems, and help prevent injuries. In general, home gym machines are compact units designed to strengthen and exercise many parts of the body. While no single home gym can provide a complete strength training solution, they are a convenient way to combine many exercises into a single unit. Some home gyms focus exclusively on upper-body workouts, while other, more advanced units focus on upper- and lower-body conditioning. Manufacturer Video Videos for related products 14:57 Click to play video TRX Training Live TRX Training Videos for related products 6:24 Click to play video Body Solid EXM3000LPS Commercial Gym Exercise Video Body-Solid, Inc. Videos for related products 7:51 Click to play video Marcy 100Lb. Stack Home Gym with Pulley, Press Arm, and Leg Developer MKM-81030 Impex Inc. Onsite Associates Program Amazon calculates a product’s star ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw data average. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers, and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness. Please try again later. Suzanne Schumacher 5.0 out of 5 stars I had a handyman put it together, but he said that it was so well made that it just went right together with no problem in no time. The 7 boxes scared me, but he said I probably could have done it. This is an amazing value, compared to other internet sites, and the machine itself lets you do absolutely anything at absolutely any weight from 5 pounds to 350 pounds. I love it.

I had to buy additional rods, but they were easy to install.Everything included in the set was there Everything included in the set was there. The packaging was excellent. It did not take long to assemble (all the literature was included) and my son and I are using the set -less than a week after receiving it. We're pleased.Definitely a good choice. The machine assembles easily, in about 2.5 hours consistent with the assembly manuals estimate. It is solid machine and I have been using it for about 3 months 3 to 4 times per week. I am very pleased with this machine. It's easy to use, although it will take a few workouts to become accustomed to changing the exercise setups for each exercise so you can maintain a good pace, no more that 1 minute between exercises as recommended in the book. This machine is not for a body builder, but more for someone who is interested in general fitness. Currently using it as configured with 310 lbs rods. An easy upgrade to 410 lbs when I need to. To maintain the Rods suggest you get the optional Power Rod Rejuvenator available on the Bowflex website, the included strap just doesn't cut it. Got a great deal from amazon.com the least expensive on the web and free shipping.I leave as many hooks and accessories on as possible, they don't get in the way, and I don't lose any momentum switching between sets. I'm a 55 yr. old grandma, way out of shape, looking to get strong again after a long string of surgeries. I LOVE this thing. The DVD is very helpful if you've never used a Bowflex -- shows the proper form for every exercise, to get the most out of it. I got the upgrade in resistance rods, too, and 2 Valeo foam exercise mats to set the Bowflex on so it wouldn't mark up my hardwood floor.I have more energy and stamina every day.My whole family is pleased with the price, quality and service. Thank you Amazon. Beckley WV. View and Download Bowflex Ultimate 2 assembly instructions manual online. Bowflex Home Gym Assembly Instructions.

Ultimate 2 Home Gym pdf manual download. Ultimate Bowflex Instruction Manual Manuals and user guide free PDF downloads for Bowflex Ultimate. Bowflex Bowflex Ultimate 2 Accessory Rack Owner's Manual. CONGRATULATIONS on your commitment to fitness.Reload to refresh your session. Reload to refresh your session. Congratulations. Congratulations on your commitment to improving your health and fitness.Step 4: Latch the Seat Rail Securing Device. Page 5: Before You Start 4Part B. Release the Seat Rail Securing DeviceBefore You Assemble Basic Assembly PrinciplesPage 7: Parts List 6Lat Bar Rests Vertical Main Frame. Lat BarParts:Remove Wire TiesThe cables that retract the locking pins maySTEP 4 Front Plastic Cover. Parts: Pan Head Allen BoltParts: Rod Box. After installing the Rod Box in Step 7, install the Rod Retainer. STEP 7B. Page 25 24. STEP 8 (Do Not Tighten The Hardware For This Step Until Step. Page 26 25. STEP 10 (Rod Pack Not ShownParts: Rod BoxSTEP 19 Right Shoulder Bar Button Head ScrewSTEP 22 (optional attachment) ArmParts: Pivot Arm. Page 34 33. STEP 24 Middle Pad. Parts: Roller Pad. STEP 26 Pan Head AllenParts. Cable Installation STEP 1. Tool:Cable Installation STEP 2. Page 38 37. Cable Installation STEP 3Cable Installation STEP 4. Tool:Cable Installation STEP 5. Tool:Cable Installation STEP 6 Cheeks. Tool:Install Squat AttachmentInstall Squat AttachmentInstall Leg Extension AttachmentInstall Leg Extension Seat Leg extension. Page 46: DVD Player 45. Install BenchInstall DVD Player (Optional Attachment)Page 48 This manual is written and designed. The weight varies from 5 to 301 pounds, and you can do about 80 or so different exercises. There are also various attachments you can purchase and an upgrade to add incorporate weight. One of those attachments is the lat tower which you can use to work your back muscles. It was a couple hundred dollars extra, now it’s included. This allows you to target all areas of the legs, including your quads and hamstrings.

Now you have no excuse to skip leg day. The equipment is larger than its predecessor and comes with an additional 2 years on the warranty. It improves on the previous model significantly, with attachments that were previously an additional few hundred each now standard. That’s a big plus. It’s an entirely different workout, and it will probably take some time before you feel comfortable doing the various exercises. However, once you use the Bowflex Ultimate for a while, you’ll find it does provide a very solid workout, and you can target all muscle groups effectively. It also has more to offer than the other popular model, the Revolution. Overall, we’d say the Bowflex Ultimate 2 is a smart purchase for those who want a high-quality home gym. Bowflex Ultimate 2 Home Gym Review This is thanks to the detachable preacher curl, but also the adaptable workout bench, which even supports hack squats. The various pulley positions allow you to effectively train your upper body, lower body, and abdominal muscles. Releasing the locking pin lets you slide the pulleys to a new position, targeting your muscles from a different direction. This is a common feature of Bowflex Home Gyms, and can be found on the Xtreme 2SE and Blaze machines. The large foot plate with added traction control provides a stable base on which to squat heavier weights. The workout bench and cable pulleys both work on a pull-pin system, with multiple positions to choose from. You can even adjust the resistance in seconds by adding or removing another Power Rod. Follow this up with the pec fly, incline cable presses, and pullovers for a complete chest workout. With the bench down, you can perform leg extensions to target your quads, or lying curls to train your hamstrings. Fold the bench up, and you can perform hack squats, calf raises, and cable hip adductions. By varying your grip, you can strengthen all your major back muscles, including lats and traps.

Weighted crunches and kneeling cable crunches are two of the best exercises. That’s because the parts are much lighter than the bulky steel frame of most designs. That’s in addition to 38 pages of exercises, detailing the muscles worked, start and finish positions, and tips for success. You’re then given a complete workout program, detailing the exercises, sets, and repetitions. It’s a 46-page guide with everything you need to know about the parts, tools needed, and assembly steps. Factory refurbished models are usually limited to a 6-month manufacturer’s warranty. Nautilus sent a free repair kit, which was designed to fix the issue of rod box separation. Bowflex Power Rod technology is the same resistance system you’ll find on their PR1000 and PR3000 home gyms. For the Bowflex Ultimate 2, this delivers 310 pounds of resistance, upgradable to 410 pounds. So how does it compare to the original Bowflex Ultimate, and is it the best gym for your home workouts.Bowflex Ultimate 2 Home Gym Review Bowflex Ultimate 2 Home Gym Review But if you're looking for a similar home gym from Bowflex that offers many of the same exercise options, check out the Bowflex Xtreme 2SE. It was first patented by an engineering student in San Francisco in 1979. Bowflex Inc. began selling home gyms in 1986. These days, you can buy one on the Bowflex web site or from a sporting goods store. For this reason, most of the exercises aren't as effective as what you can do on gym machines, which keep resistance steady throughout the move. To make these exercises harder on the Bowflex, you may need to do more reps. On each, you can do many different upper and lower body exercises, ranging from 30-plus exercises with the Classic, to 70-plus with the Xtreme, to more than 90 with the Ultimate. As you do your reps, the resistance remains the same from beginning to the end. It feels very similar to that offered by gym machines. Both allow you to do more than 90 different exercises.
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Do these two exercises back-to-back with no rest for an even better workout. The great thing about these exercises is that you can easily modify them by changing the position of your hands and elbows. For example, when doing the lat pulldown, you can do one set with your palms facing you and elbows close together, then another set with your palms facing away and elbows out. But the squat and leg press on the Bowflex won't target the leg muscles as effectively as similar exercises done on gym machines.They're easy to store and easy to use. And you won't need a spotter for most of the exercises. The Bowflex is safe for most people, and has even been used in rehabilitative settings. Bowflex seems to require less negative work on the muscles - that is, stress when the muscle is lengthening to return to its starting position -- than free weights. Exercises that require lots of negative activity can lead to significant muscle soreness, especially in beginners. The answer depends on your fitness goals. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends at least 2-3 days per week of total-body resistance exercise for most people who want to increase or maintain muscular fitness. And exercising with the Bowflex several days a week is enough to meet those guidelines - particularly if you use a model with the SpiraFlex system. Nor are they the best workout for competitive athletes. Their opinions and conclusions are their own. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See additional information. Release the Seat Rail Securing DeviceVertical Main Frame. Rod Hook. Bench. Cable. Adjustable Pulley System Preacher Curl Attachment Pulley FrameNOTE: the rod box retainer (with 2 pre-installed screws) is located on the hardware card.STEP 3 - Use two people for this step!If the locking pins do not fully retract or interfere with the side plates, make the following adjustment. Pull handle and position base between the locking positions.

Front Plastic Cover Pan Head Allen BoltTool:Right Shoulder Bar (has handle and cable)Middle Pad Roller PadWasher. Seat Frame. Cable Installation STEP 1. Floating Pulley Assembly Single Pulley Assembly CheeksCable Installation STEP 3Pulley SliderCable Installation STEP 5Install Squat AttachmentHook. Cable Sliding Pulley Chest Bar. Figure E. Install Leg Extension AttachmentHook. Leg extension Seat. Install Bench. Bench. Sliding Seat. Seat Rail. Bracket. Install Ab Crunch Attachment (Optional Attachment)Nautilus, Bowflex, the Bowflex logo, Bowflex Ultimate and Power Rod are either registered. Having the Bowflex Ultimate 2 at home gives owners the flexibility of having a gym at home because it provides a full body workout experience with an assortment of more than 95 exercises. To save space around the home after workouts, the Bowflex Ultimate 2 can be disassembled. Detach the cables from the hooks at the bottom of the abs-crunch cable and carefully slide up the abs-crunch component from the seat-rail support. Lift up the end of the bench farthest from the sliding side and remove the bench from the seat rail by unhinging it from the cross brace that attaches it to the sliding-seat bracket. Unhook the curl bar from the webbing on the roller-pad bar at the leg-extension attachment. Remove the preacher-curl attachment from the leg-extension attachment by unhooking it. Unhook the leg-extension seat frame from the posts of the leg-extension attachment. Locate the hooks below the leg-extension fixture and unhook the attached cables. From the posts on the seat-rail support, unhook the leg-extension fixture to free this up and slide up to remove the attachment. On both flanks of the squat attachment, unhook the cables leading towards the chest-bar sliding pulley to detach it. Remove the squat attachment from the lower post on the seat frame by unlocking it from its position and unhooking it to free it up.

Locate and remove the squat holder that is inserted into the round hole beneath the seat rail. Detach the cable attached at the front of the bench support. It is the one that extends from the back of the assembly toward the front. Carefully thread the cable through the different pulley assemblies and take note of their placement to make it easy to reassemble the unit in the future. Thread the cable through the lower half of the floating-pulley assembly. Disassemble the single-pulley assembly to fully detach the cable. Repeat this step for the cables on the other side of the Bowflex. Unscrew the bolts and washers and detach the upper-lat uprights from the lower-lat uprights. Detach the lower-lat uprights from the rear-base assembly by unscrewing the bolts used to attach it. Remove the plastic covers from the base assembly by unscrewing the bolts that attach these. Disjoint the front-base assembly and the front-rear assembly by removing the bolts and washers. Warnings Enlist a friend to help disassemble the Bowflex Ultimate 2 because most components are large and heavy. References Bowflex: Bowflex Ultimate 2 Home Gym Warnings Enlist a friend to help disassemble the Bowflex Ultimate 2 because most components are large and heavy. About the Author Based in Michigan, Jane Gateway has been writing about gender, poverty and politics since 1977. She served as a communications director and writer for the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Information and Culture. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications sciences and a Master of Arts in educational administration from Michigan State University, where she is pursuing a Ph.D. in media and information studies.

If you need replacement labels, please call a Nautilus Representative at (800) before using the machine.Bowflex Ultimate 2 unsupervised. To do so could result in injury. If children are allowed to use the equipment, their mental and physical development should be taken into account. They should be controlled and instructed on the correct use of the equipment.Tighten or replace any worn or loose components prior to use. Pay close attention to cables, or belts and their connections.Ultimate 2 is 300 pounds (136 kg). For your safety, do not use or allow others to use the Bowflex Ultimate 2 if they weigh in excess of 300 pounds (136 kg).Never stand on the seat.Stand off to the side while attaching rods.Use only the Power Rod units that came with your Bowflex Ultimate 2. Bowflex Ultimate 2 on a hard, level surface.Only he or she can determine the exercise program that is appropriate for your particular age and condition. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the exercise and consult your physician.Your rods are sheathed with a protective black rubber coating. Each rod is marked with its weight rating on the Rod Cap. Note: The actual resistance supplied by the rods can vary because of environmental conditions, such as temperature or humidity. Hooking The Power Rod Units To The Cables You may use one rod or several rods in combination, to create your desired resistance level. To hook multiple rods up to one cable, bend the closest rod toward the cable and place the cable hook through that rod cap. You can then hook up the next closest rod through the same cable hook. Hooking up the closest rod first prevents rods from crossing over the top of one another. When You Are Not Using Your Bowflex Ultimate 2 Safety When hooking the Power Rod units to the cable hooks, do not stand directly over the tops of the rods. Stand off to one side when connecting and disconnecting the Power Rod units from the cables.

Disconnect the cables from the Power Rod units when your are not using your Bowflex Ultimate 2. Use the rod binding strap included with your machine to bind all the rods together at the top. You can also place your cables and grips through the strap to keep them out of the way. Follow the simple steps below to fold your Bowflex Ultimate simply roll it away. 1. Remove all attachments and the bench from the machine. 2. Lock the sliding seat in the forward locked position. 3. Lift the seat rail (toward the Power Rod units) and lock it in the upright position using the rail securing device. 4. Fold the rail support leg down. 5. Squeeze the platform release handle and lift the platform (toward the Power Rod units) until it locks in the upright position. Tighten or replace any worn or loose components prior to use. Pay close attention to cables, or belts and their connections. Clean the bench with a non-abrasive household cleanser after each use. This will keep it looking new. Do not use automotive cleaner, which can make the bench too slick. Review all warning notices. The safety and integrity designed into a machine can only be maintained when the equipment is regularly examined for damage and repaired. It is the sole responsibility of the owner to ensure that regular maintenance is performed. Worn or damaged components shall be replaced immediately or the equipment removed from service until the repair is made. If you have any questions regarding your Bowflex Ultimate 2, please call our Customer Service Department at or by mail at: SE Nautilus Drive, Vancouver, WA Unfolding Your Bowflex Ultimate 2 To fold or unfold the Bowflex Ultimate 2 simply grasp the metal bar and plastic handle and squeeze them together to retract the locking pins. When folding the Front Base, release the plastic handle when the base is vertical and make sure it locks securely into place. With use, the cables can stretch and the locking pins may not engage.

If you experience problems with getting pins to lock into place when folding or unfolding the machine, refer to your assembly manual for instructions on how to adjust the the cables. 7 Using Your Bowflex Ultimate 2 5 The Workout Bench Your Bowflex Ultimate 2 home gym has four different bench positions. To adjust the bench, simply locate the spring lock pin on the side of the seat. Pull out pin to release seat, then slide it to the desired position. Pull out pin, give it half a turn, and release to place it in a free sliding position for exercises such as rowing. Quick Release Bench: The long portion of your bench attaches to and releases from the seat portion very easily. To attach it, simply insert the half hinge on the end of the bench into the half hinge on the seat. For standing exercises, simply remove the bench by lifting up on the long portion and pulling away from the seat. Flat Position: Along the side of the seat rail there are three holes for the spring lock seat pin. Pull out on the pin and slide the entire bench forward until the spring lock seat pin locks into a hole. With the bench in the flat position, there are two possible holes for the spring lock pin to lock into, one forward and one back. Incline Position: Start with the bench flat in the furthest position away from the Power Rod units. Pull out on the spring lock seat pin and lift the long bench pad up. Slide forward until the pin locks into the farthest forward base of the Power Rod units. Free Sliding Position: Remove the long bench pad. Pull out on the spring lock seat pin, Using the Bowflex Ultimate 2 The Bowflex Ultimate 2 hand grips can be used as regular grips, hand cuffs or ankle cuffs. Regular Grip: Grasp the handle and cuff together to form a grip without inserting your hand the exercises you perform utilize this grip. Hand Cuff Grip: Slip your hand through the cuff portion of the grip so that the foam pad rests on the back of your hand.

Then grasp the remainder of the grip that is sitting in your palm. This method of gripping is great for exercises like front shoulder raises or any exercise where your palm is facing down. Ankle Cuff Grip: The cuff opening can be made larger to accommodate the ankle. Simply insert your hand in the cuff and slide it away from the handle. Insert your foot or ankle and tighten the grip by sliding the handle back toward the cuff. Bowflex Ultimate 2 seat adjusted to the free sliding position (spring lock seat pin unlocked), the hand grips removed, and the desired amount of resistance hooked up, sit on the seat and position the leg press belt around your hips.D-rings on the Leg Press Belt so that the belt is taut.Pulley knobs are spring-loaded and are located on the back of the adjustable pulley system. To extend the pulley, simply twist the knob a couple of turns to the left, then pull out. Next, pull the adjustable sleeve out away from the machine until it clicks into the extended position. Then, tighten the knob to lock the adjustable pulley into position. The adjustable pulley system was designed to change the angle of resistance to increase the effectiveness of many upper body exercises. Use the pulley system in either the wide or narrow pulley included a guide in each exercise so you can use the pulley at the correct position. To avoid injury, do not attempt to use the pulley in the wide position when the manual indicates to perform the exercise in the narrow pulley position.Exercises in the wide position may require a lighter weight than those in the narrow position. With all Power Rod resistance off and with the bench in the incline position, move the attachment to the end of the sliding seat rail and use the spring lock seat pin to lock it into position. Next, place the hooks on the Leg Extension attachment over the posts on the Seat Rail support and press firmly down into position. Now, hook the cables to the hooks at the bottom of the Leg extension attachment.

To rotate the arm, pull down on the plastic handle (located just under the pivot point), rotate the arm up or down, and release the handle to lock the arm in your preferred position. Safety: the posts and the sliding seat is locked in position before sitting on it or adding weight to the cables. To do a seated leg extension, place the hooks on the Leg Extension seat attachment over the posts at the top of the Leg Extension and place the cross brace on the seat frame in the bracket behind the sliding seat. Using a snap hook, attach the loops at the end of the leg attachment cables to the rod cables. Once this is accomplished, you are ready to add Power Rod resistance to the attachment. 1) Hook the Leg Extension to the Seat Rail Support 2) Hook the Leg Extension Seat to the Leg Extension 3) Place the Bench on the Seat Rail The Bowflex Ultimate 2 Preacher Curl Attachment This attachment is specifically designed to give added support for working the biceps. The attachment is mounted on the rear of the machine and serves to stabilize the arms to create a more effective exercise. To use the preacher curl attachment, first remove any Power Rod resistance. Slide the seat all the way to the end of the seat rail and use the spring lock seat pin to lock it into position. Next, place the hooks on the leg extension attachment over the posts on the seat rail support and press firmly down into position. Now, place the hooks on the preacher curl attachment over the posts at the top of the leg extension and press firmly into position. Hook the two cables to the hooks at the bottom of the leg extension attachment. Use a snap hook to attach a curl bar to the strap between the roller pads. Safety posts and the sliding seat is locked in position before sitting on it or adding weight to the cables.

It is important to lock the Seat Rail Securing Device into the Seat Rail before performing the following exercises: Part A Lock the Seat Rail Securing Device Step 1: Remove the Seat Back Step 2: Lock the Sliding Seat position (Figure 1). Step 3: Lift the Seat Rail 3-1 Bend at the knees and grab the Seat Rail with one hand and the locked Sliding Seat with your other hand (Figure 2). Figure 1 Figure Use your legs to lift the Seat Rail (Figure 3). 3-3 With both hands, push the Seat Rail all the way up until the locked Sliding Seat is touching the mast of the machine (Figure 4). Figure 3 (Part A continued on page 2) Figure 4 11 About Your Bowflex Ultimate 2 Attachments 9 Part A (continued) Lock the Seat Rail Securing Device Step 4: Secure the Seat Rail Securing Device 4-1 Insert the Seat Rail Securing Device into the hole in the Seat Rail until it clicks (Figures 5, 6, 7). Step 5: 5-1 Stand to the side of the machine base and Seat Rail. WARNING Do not stand on the base below the Seat Rail when you pull on it. This may cause injury. 5-2 Pull down on the Seat Rail to make sure that the Seat Rail Securing Device is secured (Figure 8). Figure 5 Seat Rail Securing Device Seat Rail Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 12 10 About Your Bowflex Ultimate 2 Attachments Using the Bowflex Ultimate 2 Squat Attachment Part B Attach the Squat Frame Seat Rail Securing Device locks securely into the seat rail. Hook the lower hooks on the squat attachment onto the lower posts on the sliding seat frame, then rotate the squat frame up until it locks into position. Before attaching the cables you must position the squat attachment into the lowest position on the seat rail. To do this, pull the spring lock seat pin out to the unlocked position and pull out on the release handle and rotate it forward to allow the squat attachment to slide along the seat rail. Now push up slightly on the squat attachment to release the safety lock and slide the squat attachment down to the lowest position.