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File Name:Braun 4184 Blender Manual.pdf


JQuery is not compatible with PSP & NDSi
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We hope you are completely satis?ed with your Francais 9 new Braun PowerMax. If you have any questions, please call: Espanol 13 US residents 1-800-BRAUN-11 1-800-272-8611 Canadian residents (905) 712-5400 Merci d’avoir fait l’achat d’un produit Braun. Nous esperons que vous serez pleinement satisfaite de votre nouveau Braun PowerMax. Si vous avez des questTo obtain service: ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY A.To obtain service: A. Carry the product in to the Authorized Braun Service Center of your choice or, B. Ship the product to the Authorized Braun Service Center of your choice. Pack the product well. Ship the product prepaid and iBraun cubrira el a partir de la fecha de entrega. Dentro del plazo importe de la reparacion y el ?ete, siempre y de garantia subsanaremos. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. Cloudflare monitors for these errors and automatically investigates the cause. To help support the investigation, you can pull the corresponding error log from your web server and submit it our support team. Please include the Ray ID (which is at the bottom of this error page). Additional troubleshooting resources. We know from our users’ experience that most of people do not really attach importance to these manuals. Many instructions, immediately after the purchase, go into the trash along with the box, which is a mistake. Get acquainted with the information concerning the manual for Braun 4184, which will help you to avoid troubles in the future. You will then acquire basic knowledge to maintain Braun 4184 in good operating condition to make it easily reach the intended life cycle. Then you can put away the manual on a shelf and use it again only in a situation where you're not sure whether you perform maintenance of the product appropriately. Proper maintenance is a necessary part of your satisfaction from Braun 4184. Once a year, clean the closet where you keep all your devices manuals and throw out the ones that you don't use.

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This will help you maintain order in your home base of manuals. W e hope you ar e completely satis?ed with your new Braun PowerMax. W e hope you thor oughly enjoy the new Braun appliance. Nous esp e rons que vous pro.Why is it worth reading? If something bad happens while using a Braun 4184, you will have a set of documents that are required to obtain warranty repairs. It is in this part of the manual that you will also find information about the authorized service points of Braun 4184 as well as how you can properly maintain the device by yourself so as not to lose the warranty for the product. Use the instructions of the Braun 4184 manufacturer to run the product properly, without unnecessary risk of damage to the equipment. You will also be able to find out what optional parts or accessories to Braun 4184 you will be able to find and buy to your device. This is a very useful part of the manual which will save you a lot of time related to finding a solution. 90 of the problems with a Braun 4184 are common to many users. Read to optimally use the Braun 4184 and not to consume more power than is necessary for the proper operation of the product. You will learn what additional features can help you use the product Braun 4184 in a comfortable way and what functions of your device are the best to perform specific tasks. It is good to get acquainted with it to avoid disappointments resulting from a shorter exploitation time of the product Braun 4184 than expected. However, if you cannot be convinced to collect manuals at your home, our website will provide you with help. You should find here the manuals for most of your devices, including Braun 4184. Wir wunschen Ihnen mit Ihrem neuen Braun Gerat viel Freude. August 2006 3:42 15 English Our products are engineered to meet the highest standards of quality, functionality and design. We hope you thoroughly enjoy the new Braun appliance.

August 2006 3:42 15 Francais Nos produits sont concus et fabriques selon les normes les plus rigoureuses de qualite, de conception et de fonctionnalite. August 2006 3:42 15 Espanol Nuestros productos estan desarrollados para alcanzar los mas altos estandares de calidad, funcionalidad y diseno. Esperamos que disfrute de su nuevo pequeno electrodomestico Braun. August 2006 3:42 15 Portugues Os nossos produtos sao desenvolvidos para atingir os mais elevados niveis de qualidade, funcionalidade e design. Esperamos que tire o maximo partido do seu novo aparelho Braun. August 2006 3:42 15 Italiano I nostri prodotti sono studiati per rispondere ad elevati standard di qualita, funzionalita e di design. Ci auguriamo che il nuovo apparecchio Braun soddis.August 2006 3:42 15 Nederlands Onze produkten zijn ontwikkeld om aan de hoogste kwaliteitseisen, funcionaliteit en vormgeving te voldoen. Wij hopen dat u veel plezier zult hebben van uw nieuwe Braun apparaat. August 2006 3:42 15 Dansk Brauns produkter har den hojeste kvalitet i funktionalitet og design. Vi haber, du bliver glad for dit nye Braun apparat. August 2006 3:42 15 Anvendelse Hastighed Max.Purere gronsager, frugt, saucer, babymad 5 1,3 kilo 1,5-2 min. Mixe pandekagedej 5 1,3 kilo 1 min. August 2006 3:42 15 Norsk Vare produkter er produsert for a imotekomme de hoyeste standarder nar det gjelder kvalitet, funksjon og design. Vi haper du vil fa mye glede av ditt nye Braun produkt. August 2006 3:42 15 Svenska Vara produkter ar framtagna for att uppfylla hogsta krav nar det galler kvalitet, funktion och design. Vi hoppas att du verkligen kommer att trivas med din nya Braun produkt. August 2006 3:42 15 Anvandning Hastighet Max. August 2006 3:42 15 Suomi Tuotteemme on suunniteltu tayttamaan korkeimmat laadun, toimivuuden ja muotoilun vaatimukset. Toivomme, etta uudesta Braun tuotteestasi on Sinulle paljon hyotya. August 2006 3:42 15 Polski Nasze wyroby spe?niaja najwy?sze wymagania jakoEciowe, wzornictwa i funkcjonalnoEci.

Gratulujemy udanego zakupu i ?yczymy zadowolenia przy korzystaniu z naszego urzadzenia. August 2006 3:42 15 Esta garantia tiene validez en todos los paises donde este producto sea distribuido por Braun o por un distribuidor asignado por Braun. August 2006 3:42 15 Dansk Garanti Braun yder 2 ars garanti pa dette produkt g?ldende fra kobsdatoen. August 2006 3:42 15 2. Kupujacy mo?e wys?ac sprz?t do naprawy do najbli?ej znajdujacego si? autoryzowanego punktu serwisowego wymienionego przez firm. Procter and Gamble DS Polska sp. z.o.o. lub skorzystac z poErednictwa sklepu, w ktorym dokona. Return appliance to an authorized service center for examination, electrical r epair, mechanical r epair or adjustment. 7. The use of attachments, including canning jars not r ecommended or sold by the manufacturer may cause. Oktober 2006 10:47 10 We're committed to dealing with such abuse according to the laws in your country of residence. When you submit a report, we'll investigate it and take the appropriate action. We'll get back to you only if we require additional details or have more information to share. Note that email addresses and full names are not considered private information. Please mention this; Therefore, avoid filling in personal details. The manual is 0,7 mb in size. If you have not received an email, then probably have entered the wrong email address or your mailbox is too full. In addition, it may be that your ISP may have a maximum size for emails to receive. Check your email Please enter your email address. All the attachments which were included with my old Braun hand blender (MR5550MBC-HC) easily fit onto this one. I was happy about that so that I could still use my smaller-sized chopper for chopping garlic and herbs. Braun hand blenders are the center of attention in every kitchen.

The world’s most renowned design associations have distinguished Braun’s hand blenders with various awards and seals of quality due to its timeless, minimalistic design of technological innovation, quality and versatility. Please read our updated Cookies Policy for information about which cookies we use and what information we collect on our site. View and Download Braun Multiquick 3 4162 instruction manual online. Braun global manufacturer of small electrical appliances. Innovative high quality shaving hair care beauty care products, to kitchen and household products blenders, juicers, coffee makers and irons, innovation quality design. Braun Hand Blender manuals. Find your Hand Blender and view the free manual or ask other product owners your question. Braun Blender 450W 2Vel 1Lt Glass Grinder Whip Manufacturer's Description. Braun MR4050 HC Multiquick Advantage Hand Blender. With 400 Watts of power, 2-speeds, a Whisk and High Speed Chopper this very capable handblender offers ultimate convenience in versatile food preparation. View Details JB7000BKS Jb7000bks-type 4144 Ver: 7 Parts; View Details JB71 Jb71-type 4143 Smoothie B Braun global manufacturer of small electrical appliances. Innovative high quality shaving hair care beauty care products, to kitchen and household products blenders, juicers, coffee makers and irons, innovation quality design. Braun Hand Blender manuals. Find your Hand Blender and view the free manual or ask other product owners your question. Housed inside this immersion blender's slim, slip-proof, ergonomic handle is a high-precision, German-engineered 350-watt motor that drives a PowerBell blender system, which yields finer results faster than ever.Pages: 16 Braun Blender MR 4050 CA Braun Owner's Manual Multiquick advantage MR 4050 MCA. To view or download a copy of an instruction manual for your Braun Household product, please type in the model number of your appliance e.g.

MQ500 in the Results 1 - 48 of 373 BRAUN HAND BLENDER MR4000 MR4050 4162 4193 HC BRAUN HAND BLENDER MR5000 MR6000 CA 4191 4192 CA Braun 4193 Multiquick MR4000 300 Watt Hand Blender 2 Attachments Manual User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice, Norton Secured - powered by Verisign. Results 1 - 48 of 193 Get the best deals on Braun Handheld Blenders when you shop the largest Braun MR 4000 CA Multiquick Advantage 2-Speed Blender Braun 4193 Multiquick MR4000 300 Watt Hand Blender 2 Attachments Manual MULTIQUICK CHOPPER COMPLETE MR4000 MR4050 MINIPIMER 4193. Results 49 - 96 of 503 BRAUN HAND BLENDER MR5000 MR6000 CA 4191 4192 CA CHOPPER COMPLETE MR4000 MR4050 MINIPIMER 4193 Braun 4193 Multiquick MR4000 300 Watt Hand Blender 2 Attachments Manual User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice, Norton Secured - powered by Verisign.

Streep’s casting secured the film an international spotlight and decent reviews, but it struggled to find a mainstream audience. In 1936, five sisters live in quiet desperation in the small town of Ballybeg in Donegal.The eldest sister, Kate, a local schoolteacher is a woman of rigid beliefs. On the surface she is a formidable woman,a little feared but deeply loved by all of her sisters, especially Maggie, who has a kind benevolent heart, a wicked sense of humour and a wild fondness for life. Agnes is a quiet, deep woman with secret reserves of courage. She is devoted to Rose, who is simple, frightened of no danger because she does not know any. Rose has embarked on a relationship with a local married man, Danny Bradley much to the concern of her sisters. Christina, the youngest, has defied the strict morality of her society and given birth to a love child, Michael. All of their lives are thrown into turmoil by the re-emergence of two men. The first is their brother Father Jack, a missionary long lost to the ways of African culture who has returned home. He has returned to see his son and to stir Christina’s emotions up once more before leaving to fight in the Spanish Civil War. The impending arrival of a woollen factory threatens what paltry income Agnes, Rose and Christina earn from knitting gloves and falling school numbers leaves Kate without a job. As the oldest sister, Kate feels responsible to keep the family dynamics together, in the most stubborn way possible. Thanks to all visitors and my contributors for your support. I do not claim If any copyright holder wishes to have specific content removed, please. Something went wrong. Main 1L Chopper Bowl With Lid ?29.99 or Best Offer Only 1 left.User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by Verisign.

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All images of LEGO products and scans of original building instructions are copyright The LEGO Group. When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network. HTML code: LEGO 6694 Car with Camper Set Parts Inventory and Instructions - LEGO Reference Guide Ask Toy Tech Latest Story: What Makes LEGO So Popular (LEGO) LEGO, LEGOS, LEGOLAND, TECHNIC, and the LEGO logo are registered trademarks of The LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this site. The existing research has determined that clinician-delivered plantar massage improves postural control in those with CAI. However, the effectiveness of self-administered treatments and the underlying cause of any improvements remain unclear. Objectives:? To determine (1) the effectiveness of a self-administered plantar-massage treatment in those with CAI and (2) whether the postural-control improvements were due to the stimulation of the plantar cutaneous receptors. Design:? Crossover study. Setting:? University setting. Patients or Other Participants. A total of 20 physically active individuals (6 men and 14 women) with self-reported CAI. Intervention(s):? All participants completed 3 test sessions involving 3 treatments: a clinician-delivered manual plantar massage, a patient-delivered self-massage with a ball, and a clinician-delivered sensory brush massage. Main Outcome Measure(s). Postural control was assessed using single-legged balance with eyes open and the Star Excursion Balance Test. Results:? Static postural control improved ( P ?.014) after each of the interventions. Conclusions:? In those with CAI, single 5-minute sessions of traditional plantar massage, self-administered massage, and sensory brush massage each resulted in comparable static postural-control improvements.

The results also provide empirical evidence suggesting that the mechanism for the postural-control improvements is the stimulation of the plantar cutaneous receptors. For example, Ross et al 16 found that combining stochastic resonance (a subsensory white noise) with a 6-week coordination training program resulted in greater postural-control improvements than coordination training alone. Similarly, Hoch and McKeon 15 demonstrated that stimulating capsular or articular receptors (or both) via anteroposterior talocrural joint mobilizations not only resulted in increased dorsiflexion range of motion but also improved eyes-open postural control. A brief 5-minute plantar-massage intervention that consisted of a combination of effleurage and petrissage also improved postural control in those with CAI. 14 However, the existing research has indicated only that clinician-delivered sensory-targeted interventions improved postural control in those with CAI without considering the possible effectiveness of self- (ie, patient-) administered treatments. In addition, the previously used plantar-massage treatment was hypothesized to work by stimulating the plantar cutaneous receptors, but the technique would also stimulate the underlying musculotendinous receptors. Without knowing which set of receptors is responsible for the observed improvements, we cannot optimize the intervention. The first was to determine the effectiveness of a self-administered plantar-massage treatment relative to a clinician-administered plantar massage known to improve postural control in those with CAI. The second aim was to determine whether the previously observed postural-control improvements were due to the stimulation of the plantar cutaneous receptors or the stimulation of the underlying musculotendinous receptors. We hypothesized that a self-administered plantar massage would be as effective as a clinician-administered plantar-massage treatment.

We also hypothesized that massage-related postural-control improvements would result from stimulating the plantar cutaneous receptors during the intervention. Participants, administrators, and assessors were not blinded to the treatment received during the investigation. A total of 20 physically active individuals (6 men and 14 women) with self-reported CAI participated in this study ( Table 1 ). Inclusion criteria required participants to be between 18 and 45 years of age, have a history of at least one significant ankle sprain, have sustained at least 2 episodes of “giving way” within the previous 6 months, and score 5 or more yes responses on the Ankle Instability instrument. 17 The exclusion criteria were failing to meet the inclusion criteria, any known balance or vision problems, having sustained an acute lower extremity or head injury within 6 weeks of testing, any chronic musculoskeletal condition known to affect balance, or a history of musculoskeletal surgeries or fractures to either limb. 17 Although this investigation was initiated before the recommendations made by the International Ankle Consortium, 17 the aforementioned criteria are in line with those recommendations. At least a 7-day wash-out period was required between interventions. Each session consisted of a pretest, a treatment, and a posttest, with identical pretesting and posttesting across all sessions. The total amount of time between completion of the pretest assessment and completion of the posttest assessment was roughly 10 minutes. This study was approved by the host university's institutional review board, and at the beginning of the first session, all participants read and signed an informed consent form before we collected general demographic information such as age, height, weight, leg length, and foot size. Participants then completed static and dynamic balance pretest assessments.